View Full Version : Dizzy when lying flat

01-11-17, 07:35
A few days ago, I started to experience a pretty bad dizziness when I lie flat on my back, stomach, or my side. Fortunately, ive been able to use a pillow wedge so my head and upper body are slightly elevated and I don't feel as dizzy during the night, but everytime I use a regular pillow I get very dizzy and I feel like I'm about to pass out (you know the feeling when you had a little touch to drink so you can't fall asleep because you feel like the room is rotating around you even when you shut your eyes).

I went to talk to a doc and he had me do EKG, X-ray, blood sugar test, etc. All test results were normal, so I was told I probably have anxiety / panic attacks which sounds reasonable to me because I also had shortness of breath and headache in the begging.

The weird part is that I can function whole day fairly normal (though I wouldnt dare to workout now as I can totally see that it's gonna make me sick) , but the dizziness (or light-headedness) is triggered by lying down .

Has anyone exprerienced similar symptoms before ? If yes, what did you do to feel better?

01-11-17, 16:15
Did you see an ENT? The last time I had this, I had fluid in my ears that was throwing off my equilibrium. If the ENT says everything is okay, then it's anxiety. There are quite a few users on here who get dizziness due to anxiety.