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View Full Version : Muscles Twitching - Skin Burning/Itching And History

01-11-17, 11:01
Hi everybody, new member here and decided to start talking about my condition after 3 years or so of bad symptoms and unhappy life in general.

It all started about 3 years ago when my skin would start to feel like it's burning and itching that started in my upper back. It would be painful and annoying and back then i tried to eliminate all soaps with scent/ colorants/bleach and use neutral soaps. I would have episodes when its worse and some days where it's not bad. I still have it to this day but it's not as bad.

About a year later i started having pain in the lower abdomen when i wear tight pants/belts(still have it to this day). Some kind of feeling of burning or coldness similar menthol cold feeling. I had to stop wearing underwear because it starts hurting after a few hours of wearing rubber band clothing. When it started, i went to the doctor for ultra sound and they didnt find anything and they told me it was probably some inflammation and that it will heal over time. Didnt think too much of it and thought it will pass but i still have to this day.

An other year later i started having numbness in my limbs and a feeling of electrical shocks in my limbs like fingers and toes and weird feeling on my skin. I would have muscle twitching pretty much everyday where some days are way worse than others. Muscles twitching wouldn't be localized but mostly all over the place.

Those feeling of electrical shocks and all that were episodes. I would have it for a week or tho and then it would go away and come back a month later and so on... for over a year up to now.

When it started being pretty bad a year and a half ago, I started googling my symptoms and stumbled on MS. I thought i had MS 100% and that i would die basically. Took a bunch of appointments with my family doctor and i did lots of blood tests and then she sent me to take MRI's and see neurologist to asses my situation. When i went to see the neurologist with my results last summer, he assured me that i didn't have MS and that my body was healthy.

In the present, I still have all of these symptoms :
-Muscles twitching
-Skin itching
-Skin burning
-Lower abdomen pain
-Nerves sensations

But i believe it's all caused by Anxiety. I don't feel Anxious as per say but i always think about health and it's really hard to stop thinking about it. It's also really hard for me to be optimistic about life but i want to work on it and fight that anxiety away and be healthy and full of energy like i was 4-5 years ago.

I wanted to tell my story and seek help from other members to see how did they fight their anxiety and see if people had the same symptom as i have.

Thanks for reading and get well!

01-11-17, 19:28
Hi welcome

I have similar symptoms to you, twitching , burning , muscle pain. I have suffered from health anxiety on and off for years . Had good spells for long times years even then more recently not so good. See my posts

I been told my twitching , aches etc are stemming from stress and anxiety .

I currently doing cbt and about to start a 8 wk mindfulness course too.

I also on medication for 3 years which helped somewhat but not as much now

Just saying hello


02-11-17, 05:08
Thanks for replying.

It is really hard not to think about anxiety when you have symptoms all day long. I started listening to the Anxiety Guy youtube channel and he brings a lot of good stuff but being positive when you have a bunch of symptoms is so hard. I wonder how most people do it.

I don't wanna take prescription meds either way.

02-11-17, 18:02
I have all your symptoms too, very worrying but I'm trying my best to put this down to anxiety.

Hope you get rid of these symptoms soon x

05-11-17, 06:20
I have all your symptoms too, very worrying but I'm trying my best to put this down to anxiety.

Hope you get rid of these symptoms soon x

Did you do any tests?

I did MRI for brain and MRI for neck and it's clear. NO MS.

Also did the EMG test and it was clear.

My neurologist told me nothing is wrong with my nervous system. Has to be in my head right?

Even though you feel fine, you're subconscious mind might be under immense stress for the last few years and it takes a long time to go back to normal without recess making it worse.

That's what i think

05-11-17, 08:29
Welcome to the forum!

I've been having similar twitching/burning/pins and needles sensations, but only really in my left leg. It's only been for a few days and I can still walk and run and all of that good stuff without any trouble, and I've had similar symptoms in the past, and it's, all always been anxiety, but gosh darn it, what if it is MS?

I really miss my pre-HA life too. But take heart: -there's a good chance that you will return to that life again. Indeed, your chances of being free from HA someday are far greater than your chances of getting MS.

05-11-17, 11:08
Welcome to the forum!

I've been having similar twitching/burning/pins and needles sensations, but only really in my left leg. It's only been for a few days and I can still walk and run and all of that good stuff without any trouble, and I've had similar symptoms in the past, and it's, all always been anxiety, but gosh darn it, what if it is MS?

I really miss my pre-HA life too. But take heart: -there's a good chance that you will return to that life again. Indeed, your chances of being free from HA someday are far greater than your chances of getting MS.

Yes, I am not worried about MS anymore but i still have have most of the symptoms to this day and it is really annoying. It's hard not to think about it when you feel you muscles spasm and weird skin feeling. I am also not getting the best sleep for the last 2 years. My life has been stressful for the last 3-4 years and i am almost sure that it is all related to stress/anxiety and my subconscious is loaded with bad energy. It's hard to forget and feels like it's a long road ahead.