View Full Version : Worried about colon cancer

01-11-17, 13:25
I know this seems out there but I seem to have this fear that I have something much worse. I'm in my 20s and have had constant hemorrhoids for the last 3 months. I started taking fiber supplements and didn't really help much. I feel like my stools have changed in that they seem to be looser, not diarrhea, but solid in the center and loose on the ends. It's like the ends were never fully formed and I could see the little broken up pieces in the toilet. Occasionally I see blood on the toilet paper and sometimes I see little specs of red in my stool. I can hear my stomach gargling. I know cancer is very rare for my age, but I am not sure why my bowel movements have changed and these hemorrhoid are not disappearing. Any advice would be appreciated.:)

01-11-17, 15:19
Hi Vites987!

I too am suffering from something similar, I have contacted my Doctor - who arranged blood tests which is tomorrow!

I also suffer from a change in bowel habits and blood on toilet paper! (Bright Red) - I also 'see' blood in stool sometimes - However this could be some foods - as there are a few that mimic blood!

I believe its down to Health Anxiety, but obviously us with HA manifest this into something else! Myself included!

Best course of action IMO would be to visit your doctor and raise your concerns! They will help and hopefully ease your mind..

Keep me updated and positive thoughts!