View Full Version : Health Anxiety or something more serious? I don't even know!

01-11-17, 13:58
Hey People

I'm new to this forum and tbf I am new to the whole health anxiety thing in general. However, I have suffered from anxiety in general for a few years, most recently social anxiety.

However, these 'feelings/symptoms' have plagued me for the past 4 weeks and I have been guilty of the old 'Dr. Google' and basically self diagnosed myself with two medical conditions in these 4 weeks!

So, lets start at the beginning shall we? - I am a 26 Year Old Father to 2, one just turning 6 and another yet to turn 1. I have a long term partner who I am engaged to and very much looking forward to getting married to. I've had quite a bad diet for a while and seen my weight shoot up to 14st 6lb putting me in the 'overweight' category.

Roughly 4 weeks ago, I felt a sharp twinge in the left side of my chest.. I ignored it at first and just let it be. However, it kept happening and I also suffered from a 'burning' sensation in my shoulders and higher back. I jumped straight onto google and typed in my symptoms (silly I know) and was met with hundreds of posts regarding heart attacks. So that was that, I was having a Heart Attack I thought to myself. I went to my GP who did basic Obs like Pulse, BP, Oxygen Levels and listened to my heart/chest with stethoscope and all was okay, except a high BP (Anxiety and/or diet could cause this?) - So off, I went feeling slightly at ease. Until, that was the next day when I felt the symptoms again and had a 'panic attack' I rang 111 who told me to go to A&E. So off I went, waited three hours and had basic obs and an ECG - all of which showed up fine.

This put my mind at great ease and the symptoms stopped for the heart attack I thought I was having for 2/3 Weeks.

So, Great I thought lets just keep plugging away.. I then suffered a bout of bad sickness and diarrhea and decided to alternate my diet to lose some weight, which I have stuck to and have managed to lose 7lbs over the past 4 weeks! Which is great!

Now, this is where my next self diagnosis started, I started going to the toilet for bowel movements a lot and noticed some bright red blood on my Toilet Paper, I initially again, ignored it - then I started checking all the time and noticed it again a few times! I also checked my stools and would occasionally see 'red blood' in stool! Again, I panicked - straight on doctor google and have self diagnosed myself with Bowel/Colon Cancer! Due to me fitting the symptoms of Change in Bowel Habits, Blood On TP/Stools.

I have since contacted my GP who has arranged for a blood test and advised it could be due to anal fissures and my diet/anxiety affecting bowels (I didn't know anxiety could affect this?)

I have also noticed Fatigue, is another common symptom for these cancers, which is one thing I luckily don't seem to be suffering from! As I have done a good amount of walking the past few days and have seemed able to do it with little issue.

I do however, seem to feel extremely nauseas and sometimes I am actually sick from this! Generally late in Evenings!

Anyways, I have a trip to the Hospital tomorrow for a blood test which I will have to wait 7 days to hear the results! Again, I googled and seen that Anemia is a common sign of these cancers and this is the test I'm worried about - Hopefully it comes back ok!

However, for the past 4 days - I have been constantly fighting a battle with my mind as to what it is, googling for hours symptoms and stories of the cancer and convincing myself I have this and it's driving me into a state of loss of control, sadness and anxiety.

Has anyone else experienced these symptoms and has any tips/tricks on managing this? As every day I feel like I'm fighting a battle inside my own head and feel as though I am losing. Making me feel like I'm going to die and not see my children grow up etc.

Any help or advice would be massively appreciated!


01-11-17, 20:13
The blood on the TP could very well be from hemorrhoids or a fissure, especially if it is bright red blood. I wouldn't think a 26 year old would be very much at risk for colon/rectal cancer, you would make front page news if you indeed had it! I would address the anxiety as well with your GP to see if there is anything you can do to help it. Finally... STAY OFF GOOGLE. As much as I am guilty of this, it is best to stay off. I googled a lump in the lower left abdomen and all I got was what I did not want to see.

I am battling the same fight at the moment with a fear of colon cancer and I am only 23. My fear stems from feeling kind of bloated a lot of the time and within the past month I started feeling around in my lower left abdomen and felt what seems to be my large intestine. The scariest part is I feel this large sausage lump in my colon a lot of the times and it never seems to go away. It is probably 1-3 inches in length, so I am assuming if it is a tumor I would be seeing some sort of symptoms. At the moment though, I am seeing no blood, change in bowels, or anything besides a little bloating.

07-11-17, 15:41
Right, still having symptoms but have called GP today to see whether my blood results were back and they are back! The receptionist said that they were normal which is a relief as I’ve read anemia would show up on blood tests due to blood loss from bowel/colon cancer. However, she said a doctor wanted to contact me tomorrow for a routine telephone call - so now I’m anxious as to why they’d want to contact me if my bloods were in fact normal? Surely the receptionist wouldn’t say they were normal if they weren’t? Just got me into a bit of anxious state as to why they’d need to call me for a routine call if the bloods were normal!

Hopefully it’s nothing and just me being overly anxious again!

I’m relieved the bloods have come back as normal - which is a massive relief to me!

Still, tomorrow lunch time I’ll be getting a phone call from a doctor so will update with that also! Fingers crossed it’s ok!

07-11-17, 16:12
Anemia has many causes that are not cancer just fyi

09-11-17, 08:29
Hello again, another update - had the phone call from the doctors who informed me my blood results were all normal! I did quiz him specifically on the iron levels to check for anemia etc. And he said these were perfect levels, so that puts my mind at ease about the internal bleeding from Bowel/Colon Cancer. Now, I need to get my anxiety under control as this is probably what’s causing havoc on my digestive system! :/