View Full Version : Harm ocd, starting to think it's not ocd

01-11-17, 18:33
So I've been dealing with obsessions relating to solipsism and exsistential thoughts, which seems to be getting better and I feel like I'm reaching a level of acceptance. I've always had instructive thoughts about harming myself or others. This week has been so stressful to me and I'm not sure if they intrsurive thoughts are real or not. I have this strong urge to cut myself any time I see a sharp object, i caught myself thinking maybe if i do I'll feel relief afterwards and the obsessions will go away. After that thought I realized maybe I don't have harm Ocd, maybe I do actually want to cut myself. This feels different this feels more like a temptation than an instrusive thought. Can anyone relate? I'm going mad..what do I do :(

01-11-17, 19:15
You're developing a new theme of ocd. It's usual for OCD to change themes when the old ones start to bore you. What you need to do is to stop looking at your superficial symptoms and start focusing on the underlying patterns of your ocd.
1. You get a disturbing thought, image, urge, feeling etc that makes you feel anxious
2. You feel uncertainty about the origin and significance of the thought
3.You engage in compulsive behavior which might provide a short term relief but is actually the fuel behind your ocd. Without compulsions, there cannot be obsessions.
What you need to do is to identify your compulsions and start cutting them out. Look for anything you do to control, cope or avoid the uncertainty. Compulsions can be either physical actions or mental things you do. You'll feel a lot of anxiety while cutting out the compulsions but that is a good sign. Don't let the anxiety fool you. You might feel like you have to be certain and solve your problems by thinking more about them but that just fuels your obsession. Accept all the stuff in your head and don't engage in compulsive behavior. While cutting out the compulsions, be sure to organize your life in a healthy way. Do not spend your days inside ruminating. Go out, meet people and do stuff every day! OCD obsessions can be overcome but it takes some work and it doesn't happen overnight. However when you learn healthier ways to react to uncertainty, OCD won't bother you anymore!

Ps look for Mark Freeman on Youtube

02-11-17, 17:38
Just.. good advice and explination. Thank you. And to the poster, I have recently just started having similar urges which terrified me, but Ive started to understand why they happen. Its not easy bit you are not alone.

I hope youre health gets better in time.