View Full Version : A newbie here

01-11-17, 19:00
Hi! I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself, as this forum seems a really good place to come to. I've had anxiety issues for a long time, have attended CBT courses and am on some prescription drugs. However in last few days have had total insomnia and panic attacks over and over again, which has never happened before, and it got so bad that I ended up in A&E last night, desperate for some sort of relief so i could sleep again; i felt like i was going out of my mind. Today my doctor has upped my dose of meds and told me to come back in 3 weeks. I'm hoping that reading about other people's experiences and posting about mine will make me feel less alone and scared. Best wishes to you all x

01-11-17, 19:08
Hiya SadieK and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

01-11-17, 19:12
Thank you for your kind welcome :) will definitely be looking at the articles on this site, it seems like a great place to get help. And thank you for replying! :)

02-11-17, 21:12
Hi! I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself, as this forum seems a really good place to come to. I've had anxiety issues for a long time, have attended CBT courses and am on some prescription drugs. However in last few days have had total insomnia and panic attacks over and over again, which has never happened before, and it got so bad that I ended up in A&E last night, desperate for some sort of relief so i could sleep again; i felt like i was going out of my mind. Today my doctor has upped my dose of meds and told me to come back in 3 weeks. I'm hoping that reading about other people's experiences and posting about mine will make me feel less alone and scared. Best wishes to you all x

Sounds like a particularly nasty relapse, Sadie. No matter how long we've had to contend with anxiety/panic/depression, relapses can hit us like a ton of bricks, and although we can perhaps manage certain aspects better than before, the sheer shock alone can knock us for six. Sometimes there are triggers, other times none.

Allow yourself time to recover from this latest episode and hope meds help situation too.

Welcome to NMP ;)

05-11-17, 09:23
Hi Sadie and :welcome:

Do hope it helps being here.
Sorry to hear of your struggles.

05-11-17, 10:03
Dear Sadie.

These set backs are so scary I know, and you feel so helpless, I think its particularly hard to be having one when you have felt you are on the road to recovery. Its like being hit by a bus, but you will start to climb out of the hole again, when this scary incident starts to fade and you are less sensitized to it. I had one a few weeks ago which sent me to the doctor as an emergency appointment, my meds were altered and I have been back again since then, and now have another appointment for a review this coming Wednesday.

:welcome:To NMP Sadie, and hope you start to feel better soon, it takes time so have patience if you can. You are among friends here who do understand exactly what you are going through.

Take care and join the chatroom when you are able, it helps a lot xx :hugs:

12-02-18, 20:41
I never did reply to all your lovely messages and just want to say thank you because they meant a lot and i was in a bad state. I'm still struggling TBH, but this website helps, because I feel like I'm not alone. These feelings are the worst, but we will win and be happy again. I know I need to put in some serious work with CBT that I didn't do before - but all I want at the moment is some relief... The reason I'm not getting better is pressures of work, pure and simple. My job is so stressful and for so little reward, but I can't live without the tiny crappy wage. One of these days I will come back here with a success story, and until that day I will read other's success stories because they give me strength :) Lots of love xx