View Full Version : Flying fright Sue

01-11-17, 21:13
Hi everyone I’m Sue and need your help to go up 35,000 ft. after 30years. I’m almost 64 and I know the statistics of flying, yet I start the anxiety thing just picturing the walk through the boarding part, no joke. My panic symptoms are bad, so now I’m afraid of having a heart attack. Please to all you guys out there who can relate to this please, please help me. I want to go visit my daughter who is in the Navy in Great Lakes, Illinois. I’m tired of letting this control me. Anyone feel this too? This is my first post so I hope someone will answe. Thanx and hopeful

01-11-17, 21:28
Hiya Birksusan1 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

01-11-17, 22:26
Hi everyone I’m Sue. I will be 64 on Sunday and haven’t flown in 29 years and just the thought of getting on a plane causes severe anxiety. I know the stats about safety yet to no avail. The s my first time sharing and would appreciate any help. A big fear is if I attempt to board a plane my panic will cause me to have a heart attack. This is preventing me from seeing my daughter in Chicago where she is in the Navy. Trains and busses just st don’t cut it anymore. Please help me get up in the clouds. Thanx and grateful

01-11-17, 23:12
Hi Sue, did you try to watch some self help videos on youtube? There are many. I liked especially the one made by a former pilot. I found them quite helpful in managing my fear of flying. Also I think that (especially with no history of heart diseases) it is not possible to gave a heart attack due to anxiety.

If this doesnt work, maybe you can ask your doctor to prescribe you something for the anxiety?

Sent from my SM-G800H using Tapatalk

Polar Bear
02-11-17, 17:24
Hi Sue

I didn't fly for 28 years up until 2004. When I did step on a plane then it wasn't easy. I tried to distract myself and closed my eyes and counted in my mind for 10 mins as soon as we started down the runway.

Went for counselling and used visualisation techniques which helped. Could never look out but wanted to when I was flying into Venice so worked on that with the counselling.also got the doctor to prescribe Diazapam. Really had trouble at take off and landing but it has got much better. Have managed a couple of long flights ie South Africa and Florida (Florida without the meds this year).

Like you I just had a reason to start flying again and was fed up of not doing it. Glad I did as there is so much to see in the world.

Hope you can overcome this.

02-11-17, 18:40
Hello Sue.

And :welcome:
Yours is a common fear but you have taken the first step by looking for help to overcome it. I see you have already had some great replies. I second those but have a few tips that i use when flying.

Firstly boarding the plane, or even walking into the airport. Imagine yourself floating on a cloud as you go down the walkway. I do that and stick my arms out a little which makes everything less tense. This floating idea isn´t new or mine, it comes from the self help guru Dr Claire weekes and is my go to when I am suffering. Floating instead of forcing comes much easier I assure you.

My second tip is when turbulence is encountered. When things get a bit bumpy I imagine I am sitting on the back of a huge white swan, holding onto its bridle. I imagine the swan is getting a bit frisky like horses sometime do, and will say to myself in my head whoa swan, settle down, or something similar, again as you would to a horse.

My third tip is when looking out of the plane window which I love to do, makes the flight less boring. If looking down at clouds I imagine they are deep snow fields and if we were to lose altitude it would be a soft landing.

My late husband used to reassure me on flights that the wings although appearing to flap a bit , would not fall off, and that turbulence is normal and airplanes well designed to with stand it. We all know that you are more likely to be in a road traffic accident than a plane crash too..don´t we?

I hope my little tips help you, along with other stuff and maybe something for the nerves. xx:)