View Full Version : Left side tingling/numbness/fatigue

02-11-17, 03:00
Thought I would post to see if anyone has had the same symptoms. About 4 weeks ago, I woke up in the early morning (approx. 2am) with tingling/numbness down my left arm and leg. Initially I thought I was having a stroke so I got up and did the smile/eye brow movement test, all fine. Shook it off. Basically told myself it was something to do with me carrying my children on my shoulders the night before. The next day I had the same sensations so I decided to Google my symptoms…… wrong decision!

Basically I diagnosed myself with MS! Already had a doctor’s appointment book in a few days so I decided to bring it up with her on the visit. Doctor performed some basic checks (sensation tests, muscle checks) and said that it may be a trapped nerve and that nothing looks sinister and if it persists for more than 3 weeks, not come back. I am a bit dubious as I had no pain, just tingling/numbness/perceived weakness.

She also asked me about anxiety and depression and I mentioned that I had bad anxiety about 4 months earlier, fearing I had lymphoma as I could feel a lump in my groin. Ultrasound proved it to be scar tissue due to my vasectomy. Once I had heard that, my anxiety disappeared!

Meanwhile, I tried to tell myself it was all good but the fear of MS was to powerful. Haven’t had a decent sleep since the night it happened, averaging about 4-5 hours broken sleep. Getting tingles on the left side and now feeling it on the right. Decided to get another opinion and see a second doctor (1 week after the initial appointment). Did basically the same tests and said the same thing. Once again, tried to use that as reassurance that nothing was wrong but once again, my MS fear had taken over. Tried to block it out by doing exercise and found that exercising just made me fatigued, so once again, googled the symptoms and now I had diagnosed myself with CFS.

3 weeks since the initial event has gone by and now I am freaking out as the doctors requested I come back if symptoms are the same within 3 weeks. I have booked a doctor’s appointment and am basically living an anxiety nightmare, scared of what they will find/say it is! I have commenced sessions with a psych but it’s too early to tell if it’s going to help.

I am having a very hard time believing that what I am feeling is anxiety! Curious to see if anyone else has had similar symptoms.

- Left arm/leg perceived weakness
- Left arm/leg fatigue after exercising
- Hot/cold flushes during day
- Cold fingers and feet
- Throbbing leg when sitting down (like I can feel my pulse)
- Unable to sleep at night, wake up drained
- No sex drive
- Sore left jaw
- Left arm/leg tingling when lying down

Thanks for listening

22-11-17, 01:14
I really hope I'm not "bumping" an inactive thread, but I'm having much of these feelings, and I believe that OP and others could benefit from some conversation relating to this.

15-12-17, 17:45
Going through some similar feelings. Left side 'weakness' that's more of a sensation of weakness than actual weakness. The left side of my face also tingles and some numb patches develop for a couple of hours. I've felt almost all of your symptoms too but they come and go, so its easy to forget them (until they crop up again) I too am terrified I might have MS or have experienced a mini stroke and that the big one is coming next.

I was told lack of b12 and vitamin d can cause some of these symptoms so I'm going to try some supplements to see if they help. What's your diet like?