View Full Version : Waiting for results - not doing so well

02-11-17, 03:49
Hi all ... this isn't really anything but a post to get my feelings out. I think I have done the right thing and gone to a skin clinic to get a small lump checked out on my foot that I discovered recently. It's a weird looking lump (only about 5 mm) it's pinkish and has brown pigmentation in it in splotches. I'm terrified it's going to come back melanoma, and the worst kind which is nodular melanoma.

I went to the skin doctor, he wasn't sure but he photographed it said it was possibly a dermal mole that was a little strange or at worst a basal cell carcinoma (that's what the computer matched my lump with) but he says the computer program tends to over diagnose. He took a punch biopsy and now I have a bandage over my foot that is soaked with blood because I can't remove it for three days.

Results are meant to be in today or tomorrow but I can't shake this fear. I am shaky and I keep thinking it's the worst kind of melanoma and it's on my foot where the skin is so thin and I'm just about falling apart at work. I can't stand the waiting but part of me doesn't want to know. How does one cope ?

Thanks for listening to me. I just needed to say it out loud because I currently feel terrified and alone.

02-11-17, 04:11
I know thanks Dave, but you know how the mind is ... now I am even doubting his method of biopsy ... like why didn't he excise the whole thing and just did a punch? I was reading that punch throws up false negatives and so then I freak out again. I'm not doing myself any good and I haven't even got results ... yikes.

02-11-17, 09:05
I hate waiting for results, it is the worst feeling. I hope everything comes back clear and puts your mind at rest. I can totally relate to how you are feeling now. You aren't on your own. Sometimes I find it helps me when I am worrying over something, to look back at other times I was worried about lumps/moles etc... that turned out to be nothing :) Hope this helps x