View Full Version : Acid reflux? Anxiety?

02-11-17, 07:13
Hi all,

I have had problems with my stomach/acid and possibly gastritis on and off for a few months now. I had been prescribed PPI which relieved the symptoms, as well as citalopram. I have run out of the Citalopram and stopped taking the PPI about 2 months ago. Last week I felt terribly stressed and did not sleep much. I then got a lump in throat feeling for a few days, then terrible acid for a few days and now I have a very sore and spiky feeling at the very top of stomach around the sternum. My throat feels ‘thick’ and cloggy but not like the lump feeling from before. I feel like I should be sick to make it feel better(?). I feel worse in the morning and it settles a little in the day. Some foods make the soreness worse (ie chocolate especially).

I am freaking out about all kinds of C and that makes me worse. I am going to the gp but I am worried about why i keep getting these bouts of stomach trouble and that i might have something terrible. I am worried I might get sent for endoscopy, and dread what they might find. I am 38 and I am trying to reassure myself that in most cases people are over 50...but then what if i am the rarer case who is younger?

Has anyone had these symptoms?

Throat lump and throat thickening
Chest lump and chest thickening
Acid coming up
Stomach soreness
Spiky pains in stomach
Nausea feeling
Worse in morning
Post nasal drip and sinus stuffiness (have had this for years but it seems worse during this time)

04-11-17, 01:24
I know exactly what you’re describing and I’ve had the exact symptoms and I’m 22. Mine actually happened to be a hpylori infection that had damaged my stomach causing acid reflux and gastritis. You should get tested for it and make sure you haven’t taken any ppis at least a month beforehand because they can give a false test result. If it comes positive doctors will give you a set of antibiotics which can take a while to heal fully. In the meantime I suggest a gastritis friendly diet. Strictly no smoking, alcohol, caffeine for a while till you heal.