View Full Version : My current anxiety issue - Globus

03-11-17, 02:40
I have been suffering health anxiety for about 6 years. Started due to health issues and my personality type of a little old.
I have had alot of things from a constant brain fog for two years. And I mean every day I woke up with a light headed fog in my head. Lots of Drs appointments, MRI scan and was told it was in my head.
I had been taking alot of Otc codeine products for a few years due to back issues and ended up with a dependency to it. I quit cold turkey about 6 weeks ago. Once I quit the anxiety hit me like a freight train and I was a wreck worrying about my health.
One day I was lying down watch TV and I noticed a funny sensation of gurgling when I swallowed. I of course googled it and learnt about Globus. Well the next day I developed full Globus.
Lump in the throat, gurgling sound sometimes when swallowing (some people say clicking sound). In the morning when I first wake up its not there but of course I think of it so it comes on. Then I have it all day, varying from slight to alot when I think of it or get worried.
I then fixcated on some other sensations and it went away for a week. It then came back a week ago and while it isn't as strong as the last time it's there.
I was wondering how long others have had it for, and was it every day? What ended up fixing it if it did.go away?

03-11-17, 14:37
It will fade but it can take a while. I have had a problem with this in my anxiety career and the more I focused on it, the worse it got. Constant swallowing to "check" made it worse even though I could not help doing it. The only thing which will actively help it is distraction and moving your focus from your throat to something else. Bloody tricky I know and for me, like you said, what took my focus away from it was fixating on another symptom! What I do now is do yoga which does help. I get myself so focused on the poses and not falling over it does pull my attention off of my fixations. It isn't always easy for me to get on the mat but when I do, it's so worth it.
I know a few people personally with the same problem who have had endoscopies etc and it's always come down to globus. It's very common!

au Lait
03-11-17, 20:17
For me I think it lasted a few weeks once. It was during a time of near constant anxiety, and it was the first time that I remember having that sensation. I remember thinking there must be something terribly wrong with me. I found a list around that same time which details many common physical symptoms of anxiety, and globus was one of them. It was the first I'd heard of it. Knowing that it was just a byproduct of anxiety helped me to not focus on it. But I still get the sensation almost every time I'm anxious nowadays. I usually just remind myself that it can't hurt me and ignore it now. Like most anxiety symptoms it will subside once you're able to distract yourself from it.

03-11-17, 22:56

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