View Full Version : support needed please

17-06-07, 19:15
i feel really down...just want some reassurance. i dont know wat is wrong with me? i feel upset, i cry, i get anxiety and i hate it..i just want to hear about ppl that have overcome their anxiety..will this ever end? does anxiety ever actually leave or does it stay 4ever? :weep: really need support..counselling waiting list is about 6 months..i just need to kno if i'll ever be like i used to? i know noone can give me these answers..i hate it. really need sumone to talk to..someone who understands me.

17-06-07, 19:24
Hi Dizzy people do get over it I have...I am not saying I am cured it will always be there but at the moment I feel quite "normal" whatever that is. All I can say is give it time, I can't give you advice on how to do it as when I was in a bad way people telling me to "just get on with it", "let it pass" etc didn't help. Just hang on in there read the success stories on this site it always helps me:) and it was nice when I started to post there too.

You take care:hugs:

17-06-07, 19:27
Dizzy, all I can say is you've come to right place here. You will get loads of support and sometimes we have a real laugh, This site has helped me soo much!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

17-06-07, 20:30

Like bearcrazy said, this is the best place to be, you will find your not alone on this world and people listen and will reply to your threads.


17-06-07, 22:52
Yes, totally possible to get over it. Two years ago I was paralysed with anxiety over my heart. Full scale panic attacks, becoming agoraphobic, in a state of panic most of the time. It has taken a long time but gradually the anxiety has subsided. I presume you have been to your GP for a physical check-up. It's important to make sure there are no physical reasons for how you are feeling.

I really recommend "Self Help for Your Nerves" by Claire Weekes. It was a bible to me when I first found it - carried around with me. I hope you feel better soon. There is lots of support here. Things will get better.

18-06-07, 09:47
Hi Dizzy,

I agree with all the other lovely people you've come to the right place. Everyone is so supportive and it's great knowing we are not alone with our anxiety crap. xxx

18-06-07, 19:23
Hello Dizzy !
Sorry to hear you're having a tough time. There's lots of support here for you, and everyone of us has experienced how you feel. You are not alone. Just reading these comments will take the edge off your anxiety. Do lots of relaxation, read, have a bath, sing, walk the dog etc... fill your day with activities so that you don't give yourself chance to dwell on how you feel right now. You see, just by reading this you have already broken the circle of anxiety - doesn't that make you feel good, knowing you can do that at any time you want ? Stick with us kiddo ! Every day you will be stronger, healthier, calmer.
Be kind to yourself

18-06-07, 19:48
Hugs to you!

I know how you feel and anx can be really rotten.

It is possible to get over anxiety (i did) and when you are better you will look back on this time of your life and say "Was I really like that?" (Honest!:) )

I would say get the Claire Weekes books/audio CD's if you haven't already, also there is a great online CBT course funded by the NHS in Scotland www.livinglifetothefull.com (http://www.livinglifetothefull.com). I found Bach Rescue Remedy was good for anxy down days - I also got a Bach remedy - tailor made! http://www.bachshop.co.uk/catalog/index.php/cPath/32?osCsid=f1d48e88b6925c36d951ebd23e6755f6
Some interesting reading also is http://www.rebt.ws/albert_ellis_the_essence_of_rebt.htm this is all about REBT (this really helped me)

But most of all :D Look after yourself, don't beat yourself up, make some time every day for just for you if possible and daily do as many little tiny things that make you feel happy as you can - all those little things add up! (i started crunching sweets noisily and blowing bubbles in milkshakes loudly with the straw - silly, i know but there was a childish glee there :) :blush:

HUGS to you - you will find lots of support here - I did XXXX