View Full Version : What the hell is going on with me?

03-11-17, 12:36
For like 2 weeks now I have had a sore throat and swollen glands etc, but today I just noticed white streaks on my tonsils. I am not getting better and the walk-in doctor told me that its a "self limiting illness" (when I went in 4 days ago).

Anyone know what this could be? Im getting tired of feeling like rubbish. I have an appointment for monday but idk if I could even last that long - I may go back to the walk-in center , I have been feeling really sick yesterday as well as a bad headache.


03-11-17, 12:50
Tonsillitis I guess? Can last a few weeks unfortunately. I don't think there is any treatment, you just have to wait for it to go away :(

If you have it a lot you could maybe get your tonsils removed.

03-11-17, 12:58
When I've had that with the white streaks it's been tonsillitis. It usually goes eventually on its own. If not I've been prescribed antibiotics, though I used to get it a lot (5 or 6 times a year when I was young) and they were understandably reluctant to because of antibiotic-resistance.

03-11-17, 13:07
As others have said, that's tonsillitis. I'm still prone to it in my early 30s. Had a bout of it two weeks ago. It's horrible, but it will go away. Get plenty of rest, drink water, take painkillers.

03-11-17, 13:09
Usually these things can last 2-3+ weeks nowadays, especially if it's viral and not bacterial. Sounds like tonsilitis but I don't have my tonsils anymore, so I don't really get it.

03-11-17, 15:03
Well ding ding ding, Tonsilitis it was and I was prescribed a heafty course of antibiotics. 80x250mg tablets... I have never had tonsilitis before. It must be due to university.

03-11-17, 15:08
What the hell is going on with you? Well... you're in a new environment and your anxiety about your health is through the roof. All these changes in your life can really strain and make anxiety worse. I graduated, girlfriend moved in, started a new job I hate, and started paying a lot of bills. Once I started all of this, my anxiety came back worse than ever. Take some time to rest and get your physical health better, then find a counselor to talk to about some of this anxiety you've been having.

03-11-17, 15:28
Well ding ding ding, Tonsilitis it was and I was prescribed a heafty course of antibiotics. 80x250mg tablets... I have never had tonsilitis before. It must be due to university.

Hope you get better soon. Tonsillitis can be pretty nasty, but if you rest up as others said and plenty of hot drinks - hot water, lemon and honey is hard to beat and over-the-counter pain killers.

04-11-17, 12:58
So, I was just wondering. Could I have some kind of immune system disorder? Surely I shouldnt of had a sore throat and clogged nose for like 10 days and only yesterday I showed signs of tonsilitis... Whenever I look online it says tonsilitis doesn't last longer than 2 weeks. Well, I had a sore throat for 2 weeks then got tonsilitis. What the hell IS wrong with me?!

04-11-17, 13:56
You have tonsillitis. That's what's wrong with you. The human body does not adhere to hard and fast rules. Don't waste your time researching scary stuff online. Tonsillitis is self limiting. It will go away. Rest, drink water, take painkillers/anti-inflammatories. You'll be fine.

04-11-17, 14:16
When I've had tonsillitis it can take me weeks to feel back to normal. Plus I normally start with a cold or bug and then get tonsillitis so it seems like a longer time. There is absolutely nothing sinister in the symptoms you're describing.

04-11-17, 15:09
You have to remember aswell when you pick up one illness you can get another quite easily. I have had a cold now on and off a couple of weeks with swollen glands too, it's completely normal - apart from I can't take any tablets atm so suffering!

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05-11-17, 00:32
Thanks everyone, I really am a nervous wreck. It just feels like there is no end in sight, the pain is pretty bad...

05-11-17, 00:33
Tonsillitis can be agony. It usually breaks me for about a week. It's like swallowing razors. All you can do is be patient. Are you taking any painkillers?

05-11-17, 00:52
My son recently had tonsillitis. His tonsils were extremely swollen and his tonsillitis wasn’t responding to antibiotics. This included antibiotics being given by injection everyday. He was finally prescribed steroids and recovered within a week.

---------- Post added at 10:22 ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 ----------

bye me son is 16 and had never had tonsillitis before. If the steroids didn’t work the doctor was going to admit him to hospital where he would have been given stronger antibiotics. It took weeks to clear.

05-11-17, 00:58
Um I'm taking those lemon drinks with paracetamol in, which work great but when I wake up in the morning the pain in off the charts. I'm having to breath through my mouth because of a blocked nose... Nothing seems to last longer than an hour or so and I hate it :(

05-11-17, 01:08
You need a regular GP. I doubt that a walk in centre is going to prescribe steroids. My own doctor was reluctant to do so but she finally did because he is in an important year in secondary school and had had almost 2 weeks off.

---------- Post added at 10:38 ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 ----------

The white streaks are pus. He had heaps of it.

05-11-17, 07:34
Yeah, I'm annoyed as well because this is my first semester in uni and have been feeling like crap for like half of it at least and it is affecting my work. I feel like there is no end in sight. Got given these antibiotics Friday and still the pain persists.

05-11-17, 09:43
You're as well to just drink hot water with lemon and honey and then take paracetamol tablets separately. That is all over-priced Lemsip is anyway, and it does the same thing. Ginger tea is good and herbal teas too. Server is right, it can feel like razors. As a young kid when I had it I used to end up in tears I'd get so frustrated with feeling so crap.
Salt water gargles are great. Rest and sleep as much as you can. When I had tonsillitis several times a year I used to try and keep going and then I'd get floored with it. It'll go sooner if you take the time off now. Stick to food like soup, yoghurt and ice-cream. Basically don't put anything in your mouth that doesn't soothe your throat.

05-11-17, 10:17
Paracetamol and ibuprofen are probably you're best of relief. It's safe to take them together as long as you only take them as per the advice on the label. The ibuprofen can help to reduce the swelling.

Other than that, there's not much else you can do beyond antibiotics and rest.

05-11-17, 13:06
I really hope you feel better soon!:hugs: This thread makes me so grateful I had mine removed as a kid!

05-11-17, 14:15
Thanks I guess! lol! Does anyone know if mouth breathing at night can cause it because that could explain the long lasting sore throat I have had before this tonsilitis. My nose has been totally blocked for about 4 weeks now, forcing me to sleep with my mouth open. It REALLY hurts and wakes me up around 6 or 7, then I end up drinking a hot lemon drink to try and sooth it so I get another hour or 2 sleep.

It really is a pain.

05-11-17, 20:05
Also, I just looked at my tonsils today and they look even more pussy. This is after 2 days of antibiotics, nearly 3... so it looks like even they aren't working.

05-11-17, 20:29
Antibiotics take longer than that to work. They often won't prescribe them because tonsillitis usually resolves quicker than the meds take to kick in. So be patient with them.

You're making your suffering even worse by worrying unduly about it. It's a very common infection that will eventually clear up. Keep taking the antibiotics, take ibuprofen for the swelling, keep hydrated and give yourself a rest.

06-11-17, 06:44
OK, last thing because I'm curious more than anything. Is it normal for pain from tonsillitis to feel like it's coming from the very back of the tongue into the throat area? I would figure the tonsils will be the one to hurt but when swallowing the pain really feels like it's coming from the throat, is this normal?

06-11-17, 07:55
OK, last thing because I'm curious more than anything. Is it normal for pain from tonsillitis to feel like it's coming from the very back of the tongue into the throat area? I would figure the tonsils will be the one to hurt but when swallowing the pain really feels like it's coming from the throat, is this normal?

The one thing I learnt with tonsillitis is the pain is and can be everywhere my whole body hurt, I swear I slept for an entire week with it. I wouldn’t wish what I had on my worst enemy. Keep up the fluids and the rest, it will go away soon.

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06-11-17, 08:11
OK, last thing because I'm curious more than anything. Is it normal for pain from tonsillitis to feel like it's coming from the very back of the tongue into the throat area? I would figure the tonsils will be the one to hurt but when swallowing the pain really feels like it's coming from the throat, is this normal?

Yes that is normal. My son’s tonsils were so swollen that they were almost blocking his throat. I used to get tonsillitis until I got my tonsils out. Nowhere as severe as my son but painful enough. When I got them out my throat was very sore as well. So yes it affects your throat.

10-11-17, 19:02
Hello again everyone, another update, good and kind of bad. Good news is that the main tonsils at the back are puss free and swallowing has once again become painless (yay) and my glands are on the way down (great). However... today I noticed a familliar pain when moving my tongue or swallowing (down one side of my tongue or throat). This is the pain I had WEEKS ago before tonsilitis even started properly. I had a look and saw that on the right side of my tongue on the side at the back I have what appears to be swollen "lingual tonsils" (though im not sure if this is what they are as images show the lingual tonsils on the side and the top of the base of the tongue). Anyway, it looks way more swollen than the ones on the other side and its apparently in a hotspot area for oral cancer. Just wondering if anyone else has had this as a followup or prelude to tonsilitis. (I still have a few more days of antibiotics left). I have also seen the area in question called the "foliate papillae", for referecne if you want to see exactly where I mean.

10-11-17, 19:08
I am 21 years old, just started uni. 22 in Aug.

10-11-17, 19:29
Right, the tonsilitis I had seems to have gone away and now I have a new swelling on the back to the side of my tongue and it looks concerning to me, like a flap.

10-11-17, 19:39
It's only been a week since you were pretty ill with this. Give your body time to heal and for goodness sakes, stop self examining!

Positive thoughts

10-11-17, 20:42
True, and I still have antibiotics left. Its just because this is the pain I had just before getting ill with tonsilitis so it may have lasted all this time so It has me a bit worried :s

10-11-17, 20:56
Hi like others have said give it time let nature take its course and complete the course of antibiotics too :) ATB