View Full Version : Taking Xanax?

03-11-17, 13:53
Hi all,

I haven't posted on here in a while. Feel kinda sad that I have to.
I changed jobs in january, took away all my stress and since about July or August been feeling super calm!
But I have to take an 11 hour flight to Los Angeles tomorrow, and it seems like I no longer know how to deal with feelings of anxiety. I'm freaking out way more than I should. This will be my 3rd long distance flight in 1,5 years and I've never had problems. But for some reason I'm feeling really anxious.

So my GP perscribed me just a few Xanax in case I need them. 0.5mg, but I was thinking of starting with just 0.25mg. He said the perscribed dose will have the same calming effect as 3 drinks, but I get hammered after 2 drinks :P So I was thinking of starting low.
I've never taken any sort of anti anxiety medication before, so I'm a bit concerned about it. Does it make you feel drowsy? And most importantly: how long does it last. Will it last my full 11 hour flight, or will I have to retake it somewhere during?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

03-11-17, 14:03
My wife suffered a devastating illness last year. As you can imagine, the stress levels were through the roof! I'm not a sufferer but I can tell you I had stress side effects that tore me up! Nausea, sleeplessness, no appetite, twitches etc. My doc gave me a standing scrip for Xanax .25 (my chill pill). I could take 1-2 as needed.

You have to be careful as it is addictive but for me, it REALLY helped during that time. Now that things have calmed down, I rarely, if ever need it but it's good to know it's there.

As far as it's effects? Yeah, it's like having a stiff drink or two. Just mellowed me out and allowed me to get some peace during a very difficult time. Just follow the dosage recommendations and you'll be fine for your flight. Oh... and don't drink alcohol while taking it.

Positive thoughts

03-11-17, 14:06
The best thing to do - honestly - is just take the medication as prescribed. These meds are so widely prescribed because, when taken as instructed, they're very safe and effective. Try and put some faith in that and follow your GP's advice.

They might make you feel drowsy, but it won't be scary. It'll give you a feeling of pleasant relaxation.

However, in my opinion, you're probably better off feeling the anxiety than trying to mask it. Teach your anxious mind there is nothing to fear by getting on that flight and feeling whatever comes up. You stand far less chance of creating a broader issue and future problems by confronting the anxiety instead of trying to suppress it. That's just my opinion. If you do want something to help you through, just go with the Xanax and take as prescribed.

Whatever you choose to do, you'll be absolutely fine.

03-11-17, 14:16
My doctor gave me 1 mg pills of Ativan and told me to take half of one. I usually take a quarter of one and it calms me enough while making me not drowsy. If it did make me drowsy, I would imagine it would be a very pleasant drowsy and I would probably fall asleep because I was so calm lol.

03-11-17, 14:30
Ok, thanks for all the responses! I'll see how I get on tomorrow itself and hope I won't need it.