View Full Version : hearing things

17-06-07, 19:40
This is a bit weird.
I am feeling anx today about different things and trying not to give it much room to invade me! I know all my symptoms are anx and I know what the problem is and I know that for a lot of today I have been on a 'state of alert'!

But, I keep hearing noises. It is freaking me a bit. I was upstairs putting stuff on the clothes horse and I was convinced I saw something move and bang near my radiator but nothing was there.
My pc is under the stairs and twice while sitting here I have heard a noise like one of the kids hitting the bannisters but one is in bed and the other in the sitting room well away from it.
I have an overactive imagination and I am trying to be rational. Has anyone had anything like this with anx? I am getting scared to go to bed and I have to go early as I am up early:wacko:


17-06-07, 20:10
Hi Happyone,

GG was also 'under the stairs' until she went wireless last week lol !!

Quite often I hear scratching noises, as though there are mice inbetween the stairs! There are also creaking noises and clicking noises (no, not my keyboard!)

I live in an old house (over 100 yrs old!) so I would expect to hear noises maybe due to settling etc.

It always seems more intense though when I am really concentrating on what I am doing, so I put it down to heightened sensitivity whilst focusing on and/or thinking about something in particular.

My imagination is so overactive it would make a good movie if I could record it somehow lol !!

hugs for you !!



17-06-07, 20:31
Hunny, it is anxiety, definitely! :hugs: I know it must be scary, but it really is! Your mind is probably on overdrive and picking up everything, and making you more aware of things that you wouldn't have been aware of before.

Just go to bed, and listen to some relaxing music or something and relax, tomorrow is a different day :hugs:

Take care hun,

Lou xxx

17-06-07, 20:41
I think you have explained it yourself happyone. You say you've been on a 'state of alert', there is your answer.

There are more than likely many reasons why now you feel anxious but remember, your safe in your own home. Should this feel incorrect check the doors and windows before you go to bed. Please don't go down the path of OCD :yesyes: behaviour, just a natural check of the house before hitting the hay.

If it helps you try having the radio on in bed or if you have any relaxation CD's or music pop those on. You need that sleep but don't pray on the fact 'I won't sleep tonight because I'm feeling bad today'. Maybe have a nice warm to hot bath before bed too, this can help induce relaxation and sleep.

Let us know how you get on...we are all behind you (Not literally :hugs: )


17-06-07, 22:16
Quite often I hear scratching noises, as though there are mice inbetween the stairs! There are also creaking noises and clicking noises (no, not my keyboard!)

GG this is sooooo me too!!

Happyone I am always hearing things matey here there and everywhere!!

Piglet :flowers:

17-06-07, 23:56
Hi mate,

Not sure how to help on this one as the only things I hear are birds singing outside lol. I have read this is normal with anxiety though as our senses in general become so much more acute than normal so we pick up on things we may not have noticed normally. An example - the other day my hair was tucked behind my ears and a stray piece of hair fell and touched my face - I jumped like mad wondering what it was and it was only my hair! :wacko: I also sometime think hubby has said something to me when he hasn't, then again he gets that too and he's not an anxious person.

Hope you have a good day tomorrow and sleep well tonight,


Lisa x

18-06-07, 11:15
hiya happyone,

im also feeling strung out with the old anx at the mo and yep i get this one too!

i hear things that others dont notice, like we were watching the final of britains got talent with my twin 18 yr old neices and me and hubby and i was very aware of a phone ringing noise in the background at the end of the programe(there was a ringing noise but i always think im hearing things!) which for some reason seemed to stand out to me and which i also felt the need to comment on! needless to say no-one took a blind bit of notice! lucky me heh no-one in my family would notice even if i was in a mess - they just dont seem to pick up on it!!

anyway like i said this is a frequent happening for me when my anxiety is high


18-06-07, 12:28
I managed to sleep last night and no bogey man jumped out on me!

My hearing must have been acute due to my anx, it is just a new one on me though!

Thanks peeops


18-06-07, 12:56
Good to know you had a decent nights sleep, thats great!

Sometime ago I found that I was having strange reactions to noises, not that I was hearing them but should someone make a loud noise it would make me really jump. When I say really jump, I mean it literally, I would get electricity going through me and my heart would race. Until now I never associated it with anxiety.

Thankfully I don't get it anymore, so thats good for me to know. Phew! Glad it isn't an added symptom of anxiety lol


18-06-07, 16:07
Glad you managed to sleep mate. Hope you've had a good day :hugs:

Lisa x