View Full Version : Anyone else feel like everyone thinks you're faking it?

03-11-17, 15:23
Does anyone else feel like those around you have grown tiresome of you and either feel like you are exaggerating or faking your symptoms?

03-11-17, 20:08
Yes!! My husband has been dealing with this for 7 years and my parents even longer...they are sick of it and don't believe me when I bring up a symptom.

03-11-17, 20:17
I would say, in a lot of cases, we ARE exaggerating our symptoms. That is what hypochondria is, and it IS annoying and maddening, like on an objective level, lol.

I know my husband can't stand this part of me. And, I totally get that.

04-11-17, 08:50
Yes I have a bad back and I’m in so much pain and nobody seems to even notice I’m here

04-11-17, 21:43
I don't trust myself. It's like my brain is a separate entity from my self I have no control over and it decides how it will torture me next. Today's menu: lungs; Tomorrow: eyes; Next day: tongue; Next day: throat; Next day: teeth; Next day: scalp; Next day: skin; Next day: hearing.

I know there are some legitimate issues I experience and legitimate things I have to be worried about, but I don't trust my sense of proportion, and sometimes I think my body does things simply because I'm thinking about them.

05-11-17, 09:09
I feel that guilt sometimes. I actually just now asked my dad if he gets sick of it, and he said 'no. If I got sick of it i' d be sick of you. It'd be like you lot getting sick of The Dome (his bald head).'

Basically what i' m saying is, try not to let your guilt overwhelm you, or stop you from talking about things that are bothering you. Our loved ones will be there for you, just like you're always there for them. It's all part of caring about each other.

05-11-17, 13:41
Yes GPs I only been twice this year and one for my injection for holidays

Parents and family starting to undertand my anxiety, my Dad less so he just gets on with it.