View Full Version : New Debate (6) Sex Scandal Pm's

04-11-17, 12:09
It's Debate time again folks: In Recent days allegations of this happening is now coming to the fore front I for one am so glad these dirty swines are being investigated and about time too. Touching someone's shoulder how ever is not a sexual assault, leg and bum in my book is. May is going to sort this out and if means a new cabinet then so be it! So what do others think should it be properly investigated, Is it too much and over the top and just harmless fun? Remember these people are in a very trusted and elevated position in society they need to set a example in my book Thanks for reading ATB

04-11-17, 13:34
Mixed. Some of it is rubbish. Some of it is about corruption as who the hell keeps a list other than to blackmail? And why has it only become an issue now? That's not about the victims but about power grabs. The new defence minister was chief whip and turned a blind eye.

May knew loads, I'm sure. Like Hollywood, the sewer only gets a clean when it reaches the wider public in a period of outrage or shift in attitudes in society. After all, didn't we grow up hearing about Tories being whipped in dungeons or paying rent boys?

Not that it shouldn't mean disciplinary action or criminal charges in cases where it's needed. But some of this is very dodgy.

04-11-17, 13:49
It's probably been going on for decades tbh. I mean does any remember the allegations of where some mp's that lived in a complex for mp's had done things wrong. The Speaker is quite correct on a 0 policy approach to this some of it is rubbish but reckon a lot of it isn't and if found out well criminal charges must be brought against all offenders simple as that :) ATB

04-11-17, 16:27
I'll put my life savings on the speaker knowing full well what goes on. All party leaders, whips, senior officials and long term MP's.

It would only continue until it started coming out.

But this list issue contains consensual behaviour too and it's introduced an issue of morality. Many people won't be keen on an MP that likes being urinated on by 3 men. Bang, that's his seat gone.

Who originated this list needs declaring publicly. Aside from being potential complicit in cover ups, and maybe even blackmail, why now? Labour are have got "boot X Tory" campaigns going but they've also been hit. They do have an internal split but I would have thought they would have done it last year if Corbyn can be attacked in this.

Well Labour brushed anti semitism under the carpet and promoted the white washer in a dirty deal.

The Tory defence minister seems to be complicit in a cover up and maybe he stabbed Fallon in the back for his job? It stinks to of something internal.

I doubt victims are in their minds, just getting one step up.

I can't remember the complex.

Where is Lord Two Jags? He did it with his secretary, which may be consensual but maybe also abuse of power given the moral discussions about this list, and he got a damn promotion!

04-11-17, 22:14
This is a distraction from the real scandal which is the systematic abuse of children by top politicians, entertainers and members of the Royal family. More than a 100 secret files with information on paedophile politicians have gone "missing".

04-11-17, 23:17
This is a distraction from the real scandal which is the systematic abuse of children by top politicians, entertainers and members of the Royal family. More than a 100 secret files with information on paedophile politicians have gone "missing".

Absolutely. It's been suppressed for years, and will continue to be, because it's akin to the police burgling your house and then asking them to investigate it.

All this is a smokescreen while the real nasty crimes remain hidden.

05-11-17, 01:21
It would take some changes in government to do much about anything. Money & power, no one wants the gravy train to end. Look how upset they all are over the EU ref. An end to extra cash for many of them.

Maybe in about 30 years we may hear something? How were people as high as a PM ever going to be arrested for something so bad...it would bring the house of cards down with it. Such people just get a shuffle sideways, like the FBI have done with one of their's.

All snouts in the same trough at the end of the day no matter what their ideology.

05-11-17, 11:37
I actually think it's worse than most ordinary folk like ourselves can imagine It's sickening to even think about people were asked on central news a couple of nights ago does it really matter what these mp's have done most said yes it does matter a few said no and they would still vote for them Yikes:mad: I don't envy May's task or trying to get to the bottom of this reckon many will just get swept aside untouched. ATB

05-11-17, 16:30
I actually think it's worse than most ordinary folk like ourselves can imagine It's sickening to even think about people were asked on central news a couple of nights ago does it really matter what these mp's have done most said yes it does matter a few said no and they would still vote for them Yikes:mad: I don't envy May's task or trying to get to the bottom of this reckon many will just get swept aside untouched. ATB

Were they asked about the abuse only or the whole lot which includes consensual acts? The latter shouldn't even be involved but whoever is producing these lists appears to want to make it about more than harassment.

I guess there is also the issue of what people see as harassment. Some stuff we are seeking is a bit weak. And if it happened a long time ago people are going to think about whether the MP has changed in line with how society has ever e.g. a lewd remark was less of an issue 20 years ago.

Not everyone is going to be comfortable with MP's who have certain a fetish. It becomes an issue of personal morality. But is that more of a sheer issue? But at the same time aren't they open to blackmail for their votes in Parliament?

07-11-17, 17:26
A suspended Welsh Assembly Labour MP has been found dead after committing suicide.

Thoughts to the family. Let's hope they leave them alone.