View Full Version : Effexor anxiety and EXTREME weight gain

04-11-17, 19:28
I originally started on Celexa in 2009 for depression and anxiety. It was causing me to gain weight, so my doctor switched me to effexor xr (venelafaxine) around 2011. Since then I have gained 75lbs. I'm only 5'1, and I weighed 90lbs soaking wet before I started taking medication.
I started eating healthier, and less, exercising more, and continued to gain weight.
I tried going off effexor in 2015. And I was successful, I made it six months med free. Once the initial withdrawals were out of the way, I thought I was In the clear. I was fine for about 5 months. Then my anxiety came back with a vengeance. I was in a 24/7 panic attack. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't leave the house.. Talking to anyone, even my bf and family sent me into a full blown panic attack. It lasted for months. After 6 months of hoping the anxiety and panic attacks would subside, I caved and went back on the effexor. Just to make the anxiety stop. Thing is, it didn't quite stop. So we upped my dose from the original 75mgs to 150mgs. I've been on that dose now for two years. Thing is, I still feel anxious. I can leave the house, and go to work, do day to day things, but as soon as I have to do anything out of the ordinary, the panic returns. And a new symptom got added into the mix, now when I get over anxious / panicky, I have a habit of fainting. I've never fainted before in my life before this.
Recently it has gotten out of control. I gained 15lbs so rapidly I got my first stretch marks. My ankles, feet and hands are swollen, my joints and muscles hurt just walking the ten minute walk to work. I'm tired and sluggish all the time, and having mood swings like you wouldn't believe. I'm also always too hot and swearing. My Dr ran tests for thyroid and cortisol, both came out normal, and sent me on my way.
So I'm now 170lbs, puffy, fat, tired, and grouchy all the time, still having anxiety, and basically told it doesn't matter.
I thought I weened off slowly (7months), but apparently it wasn't slow enough. I'm just glad I didn't listen to my doctor. She said to get off of it, take one pill every other day, then every three days, etc.
‎Has anyone had similar experience on this drug, or coming off of it? Or have any suggestions on how to get off of it?