View Full Version : Right Abdominal Pain

04-11-17, 21:20
My fears of appendix issues are starting up again because today I woke up with some pain in my right abdomen. I thought it was gas since it eased just a little after passing some but throughout the day its been on and off and I've had some nausea. The pain is also in pelvis sometimes but mostly my right abdomen. There is also sometimes pain under my belly button. I have been constipated but did have BM last week but I guess just one BM isnt going to relieve constipation. Aside from that, I haven't vomited though I felt like it and no fever so far but still have waves of nausea and whenever I do feel like I'm going to vomit it just comes out as a burp.. I've already been to emergency twice last month for appendix fears. My doc apt is soon this week but I'm still worried. Of course I plan on going to emergency center if things really get bad but I know the last visit I was in horrible pain and was dry heaving or vomiting, awful nausea and the doctor couldn't find anything.

Sorry for so much editing but while I was laying down I sneezed and possible felt a pain well it was a sting just couldnt tell where. I made myself cough but kinda regret doing so because Im scared me coughin a lot is isn't gonna help me out if it is what I think it might be but I felt no pain. I noticed after coughing the pain kinda eases and my nausea calms down.