View Full Version : Health Anxiety has crippled me..

05-11-17, 00:45
Hey everyone,
So about 6 months ago I had an episode that was suspected as SVT, I followed up with a cardiologist and he did every test. Of course everything came back normal, he didn't see any problems and suggested that my anxiety may be a possible trigger for my heart palpitations. He said I had no restrictions and was okay to exercise..

I want to exercise so bad, but I am extremely scared to. It is getting to the point where this is making me feel depressed. Because I am currently not happy with my figure. I see people online working out and I envy them, because I am literally too scared to. But I want to work out so desperately. With everything that I have I want to be in better shape, and my anxiety has a strong hold on me. It makes me sad and extremely depressed. Even though the cardiologist gave me the ok to exercise, I have a hard time just accepting that and going to work out. I have a strong fear that I will start having palpitations in the gym and my heart will just stop.. I can't take it..

I am just looking for some words of encouragement. I HAVE TO GET THROUGH THIS, because I CAN NOT and REFUSE to live my life like this. There are people worse off than me and they can still exercise.
I just need some emotional support right now.

Thank you

05-11-17, 00:58
It's not like you have to hit the gym and do an hour of cardio and weight train right off the bat ;) Start off slow and build up. Start with taking a walk and go from there. The more you realize you're not going to have an issue, your confidence in that and your own self confidence will help carry you forward.

Positive thoughts