View Full Version : really anxiety/depression/agrophobia?

05-11-17, 08:44
had what iv been told are anxiety/depression/agrophobia issues for around 20 years now and only recently told I may have emotionally unstable personality disorder, iv always thought it was more than anxiety but the local mental health care in my area isn't great so at the moment im in limbo so wondering if others have been diagnosed with similar?
or any information or experience of what iv described would be gratefully appreciated
at the moment I feel like im not living im merely existing due to limits of what I can do and to be frank its a poor existence

05-11-17, 18:15
So what exactly is your diagnosis? What are you doing to treat it?

10-11-17, 21:02
my current diagnosis is severe anxiety disorder, depression and agrophobia but im in to see new psychiatrist at end of month for diagnosis, at present im attending a mentaliszation group once a week for 12 weeks but have done cbt at least 4 times and also done cat therapy swell as mindfulness,im sure I done more but at the moment my heads a little foggy due to meds