View Full Version : Worried I've had an anxiety breakdown

05-11-17, 08:52
I've been under alot of stress recently and out of the blue started having panic attacks. I do have an anxiety disorder and agoraphobia as I was attacked in 2012 by my brother so anxiety I'm not new to lol. Panic attacks I am and need some reassurance please.

It started as an attack where my face went red hot and I then shake, panic I will faint, fast heart.. My breathing is fine, I don't get pins and needles. I just shake and feel hot in my face. Is this panic? I'm told it is but I'm scared it isn't.

These started 4 weeks ago but maybe 2 a week. In between I was functioning OK, still cooking, cleaning etc... Then 2 weeks ago they hit me hard and in between the attacks my general anxiety was very high. I wake every day with dread in my stomach. It feels heavy like a doom. My bowels churn and stomach, I have nausea all the time and struggle to eat. Recently all I eat are bananas, oat cakes, oats, plain potatoes... It's been awful. I rush to the loo within 10 minutes of waking as my stomach is upset due to that morning dread I feel in my stomach. I then 3 days of the week get these panic attacks where I got a hot rush to my face, shake, fast heart and feel sick. Once I've had one I can calm but then get another rush and thus can go on for hours ans hours. The shortest has been 2 hours so far.

It's tiring me and I'm not struggling to function. I get these panic attacks hit everytime I'm downstairs trying to cook or clean. I get so hot in my face and strong nausea dye to the anxiety that panic hits. I also feel weak in my legs and they shake due to anxiety of how weak and yuk I feel. I'm scared walking around because I feel so weak. The whole dread in my stomach feels worse when I function. I'm spending a lot of time resting on my bed, I'm exhausted from it all. My husband says I need rest. He and the kids are being great but I feel a terrible wife and mother. I can't even cook them a meal right now so I beat myself up terribly. I'm already terrified of the week ahead and if I'm going to cope alone when they're all at work and school. I get these attacks very time I have to go downstairs so I'm dreading it. The kids were off this week so I felt better knowing they were here and my daughter bless her often made me drinks if I didn't feel up to walking about. I'm going to be lost.

I'm just so worried why I'm so unable to function, my husband says I've had a breakdown due to the anxiety and I need rest. But I'm terrified it's never going to go. I'm literally feeling scared it'll never stop, I'm going to be bed ridden and no use to my family forever. I just sit crying when I'm alone because I've never had anxiety this severe or panic attacks so strong. I've had attacks before but no I think it's panic disorder. Ita awful and I'm afraid as the weeks pass this won't get better.

I'm worried why I can't function downstairs. Everytime I go down my legs feel so weak and tremble. I feel it's too much going downstairs right now because I feel so weak. It terrifies me and causes a panic attack. Can anyone relate to this? I feel so useless to my family like this.

I'm even getting afraid it's my health or something very wrong. I'm on medication for anxiety and I stupidly as withdrawing ans that's whwn all this began so I'm now slowly increasing my dose again. I don't want to see my GP as they'll just suggest Diazepam and increase my meds even higher which I do not want to do. I had a breakdown about 4 years ago after I was attacked and thsts all they suggested. It was pointless.

Sorry this got long. If anyone can reassure me I'd appreciate it. I feel so alone right now. I've only got my husband and children.

Thank you

05-11-17, 09:32
I am so sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time :( anxiety is horrible, especially when it gets this bad and stops you being able to function. It sounds like you are really struggling. I know you say you don't want to see the GP and I can totally relate to that as seeing the GP can bring on panic attacks for me but if you are feeling this bad you really do need to get some advice. I know how hard it is getting help, I really do. Anxiety is horrible and it tricks us in to thinking lots of different things, but I recently hit rock bottom and ended up having Diazepam for a few days and it really helped me feel better. I am not out the woods yet, but I am getting there. This will pass. Whenever I am struggling I think back to all the times I was like it before and remind myself that it will pass. Really hope you feel better soon xx

05-11-17, 09:57
I am so sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time :( anxiety is horrible, especially when it gets this bad and stops you being able to function. It sounds like you are really struggling. I know you say you don't want to see the GP and I can totally relate to that as seeing the GP can bring on panic attacks for me but if you are feeling this bad you really do need to get some advice. I know how hard it is getting help, I really do. Anxiety is horrible and it tricks us in to thinking lots of different things, but I recently hit rock bottom and ended up having Diazepam for a few days and it really helped me feel better. I am not out the woods yet, but I am getting there. This will pass. Whenever I am struggling I think back to all the times I was like it before and remind myself that it will pass. Really hope you feel better soon xx

Thank you Snowflake

I'm glad things are improving for you, that's great. Anxiety can be so disabling can't it.

I just know the drill with my GP. All they can do is offer medication and I'd never take Diazepam as I'm so sensitive to medication and had 2 serious reactions to meds in the past which cause me anxiety starting new meds so it would just add fuel to the fire taking it. I think they'd suggest going back to my original dose of Mirtazapine which I am doing but I'm scared to jump up in one go.

Was your anxiety stopping you functioning.? For me it's going downstairs thsts hard as I'm so tired and weak it triggers panic. I'm mananagidnf showers and hair wash each day with some support form hubby but some days that can be overwhelming if my general anxiety is high.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. I really appreciate it.

Julie x