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View Full Version : Damn globus hysterics again! Why??

18-06-07, 11:37
Why does this just crop up out of the blue from no where after not having it for over a year? And it then causes the 'well what if it's this or what if it's that??' syndrome leading me to concentrate on it and make it worse *sigh*. I took a nice gulp of a cold drink last week and all of a sudden I felt a huge pea like lump feeling in my throat, like a reflex spasm or something. Now I've got it on and off all the time again, slightly different to when I had it before, now being different I'm obviously thinking 'well could it really be something this time?' or 'do I have a hernia in my throat or something?'. I'm not even going to bother doing a web search to see what horiffic things I can relate to myself this time, just maybe wanted some reassurance if anyone else gets these choking like spasm feelings in the throat with globus hystericus?

18-06-07, 12:27
Not to worry. I get it a lot. I had it for a couple of months once, now it is only from time to time, and can last anything from a few seconds to hours.
Weird symptom but totally unharmful.

18-06-07, 14:36
Hi bead, Thanks for that, I'm sure it's much worse than I've had it before and for no real reason. I think it's causing more anxiety though which is feeding it :(.

22-06-07, 09:37
hi again
Hope you are feeling a bit better. I forgot to say I have had many of the same thoughts about it as you and sometimes it has been worse than others, sometimes even waking me up at night, but I know now that it is harmless.
take care