View Full Version : Fireworks..

05-11-17, 09:16
There’s a time and a place.

Displays can be magical...

Stricter rules on where and when the random ones are set off, for me.

Sudden bangs affect so many people and animals....


05-11-17, 11:12
There’s a time and a place.

Displays can be magical...

Stricter rules on where and when the random ones are set off, for me.

Sudden bangs affect so many people and animals....


Hi Velvet.

I couldn´t agree more. I am in Spain now and mostly away from fireworks and bangers which Spanish love. Valencia is renowned for its Fallas fiestas which include a daily and deafening Mascleta at 2pm in all the towns villages and the city. And when I say deafening I am not exaggerating. I was advised to keep my mouth open during the Mascleta otherwise my eardrums could burst !!!

Back in my homeland UK though, how things have changed there. when I was a girl Bonfire night and fireworks were only ever held on the night of the 5th, now it seems fireworks are available all year round. And yes, they frighten the life out of some people and animals, and I agree should not be so readily available. :wacko:

05-11-17, 11:31
Thank you chick, wow, can imagine what they are like in Spain.

I stayed home last night, it was so loud outside, and will be for a few days no doubt ...😒

Hope you have a peaceful day x

05-11-17, 17:26
Hi , I don't mind them too much but they do go on for weeks now , my dogs one isn't the slightest bit bothered the other much older is climbing the walls she's constantly shaking and panting but the more you try and calm her the worse she gets so we have to try and ignore her , they will go on now until new year .

05-11-17, 18:15
Hi , I don't mind them too much but they do go on for weeks now , my dogs one isn't the slightest bit bothered the other much older is climbing the walls she's constantly shaking and panting but the more you try and calm her the worse she gets so we have to try and ignore her , they will go on now until new year .

Yeh some of the displays are amazing :)..but it’s the way they go on forever after..
Ah it’s good when dogs aren’t bothered by them..bless your other dog..

Hey ho..

Feel safe indoors 😊🎉🎉

05-11-17, 18:51
I just don't like the mosquitoes that usually accompany them.

05-11-17, 19:07
I just don't like the mosquitoes that usually accompany them.

No that don’t sound good :scared15:

---------- Post added at 19:07 ---------- Previous post was at 19:05 ----------

It’s so noisy out there with fireworks this evening...
I’m so glad I’m indoors and cosy

Watched a few through the windows ...

Hoping everyone is coping ok x:hugs:

05-11-17, 20:53
Literally money going up in smoke. They just seem to get louder and louder. I feel so sorry for animals everywhere.

05-11-17, 21:05
Literally money going up in smoke. They just seem to get louder and louder. I feel so sorry for animals everywhere.

Absolutely! Mogs is terrified to go out and we had to endure the indignity of getting her litter tray out :lac:

05-11-17, 21:23
Is it Guy Fawkes day over there or something?

05-11-17, 21:26
Literally money going up in smoke. They just seem to get louder and louder. I feel so sorry for animals everywhere.

Is it Guy Fawkes day over there or something?

I defer to Pulisa's post, Agent N ^^^

05-11-17, 23:10
Lol...I'm not following any of this. Is someone shooting animals over there?

06-11-17, 01:18
Guy fawks night's officially over by an hour but see how long it goes on for , I walked my younger not bothered dog round the block and she just sniffed p&ss , me on the other hand lots of unexpected bangs followed by " f&@k , Jesus , s&@t , b&@locks for Christ sake " everything makes me jump when I'm anxous and I've not been doing to good this last week , they should run out in about a week .:)

06-11-17, 02:06
Is it Guy Fawkes day over there or something?

Yeah, 5/11 but it means no more than fireworks night and since I was a kid and I'm sure much earlier than that. Bonfires, firework displays and people setting their own off in their gardens.

What usually accompanies it is burns victims from grabbling sparklers, fireworks shoved through doors causing fires or thrown at people, people having bonfires that get out of hand the fire brigade have their time wasted, etc.

Oh and the really big one that annoys me..."penny for the guy". Basically some scrubblers begging for cash for a vegetable wrapped in a sheet as opposed to years ago when kids at least made an effort. You get teenagers doing it to buy fags, they get a different response from me to the little kids...ending off :noangel:

06-11-17, 10:50
Guy fawks night's officially over by an hour but see how long it goes on for , I walked my younger not bothered dog round the block and she just sniffed p&ss , me on the other hand lots of unexpected bangs followed by " f&@k , Jesus , s&@t , b&@locks for Christ sake " everything makes me jump when I'm anxous and I've not been doing to good this last week , they should run out in about a week .:)

Hope they run out very soon !

---------- Post added at 10:50 ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 ----------

Lol...I'm not following any of this. Is someone shooting animals over there?

5th November bonfire night. Guy Fawkes started it :ohmy:

The firework displays can be nice , it’s all the random fireworks for days before and after that are a pain...seem to go in for weeks...can be scarey to humans and animals alike


06-11-17, 11:38
Well even organised displays do go wrong forget where it was but heard on the news a controller box went wrong and fireworks were going in to the crowds of people the area was corndend off to official guide lines so does make you wonder if it's time to end this tradition once and for all?If it happened it wouldn't bother me in the slightest :) ATB

06-11-17, 12:14
Well even organised displays do go wrong forget where it was but heard on the news a controller box went wrong and fireworks were going in to the crowds of people the area was corndend off to official guide lines so does make you wonder if it's time to end this tradition once and for all?If it happened it wouldn't bother me in the slightest :) ATB

Yeh heard about something going wrong at a display, didn’t catch all details.

I kinda think it’s nice to keep traditions, but health and safety is paramount ...and should defo stop these random fireworks weeks before and after in my opinion..bet tonight will sound like bonfire night even tho it’s over...
I hope they run out of fireworks quickly :)

06-11-17, 13:47
Yeh heard about something going wrong at a display, didn’t catch all details.

I kinda think it’s nice to keep traditions, but health and safety is paramount ...and should defo stop these random fireworks weeks before and after in my opinion..bet tonight will sound like bonfire night even tho it’s over...
I hope they run out of fireworks quickly :) Of course, but some traditions are now getting more often and not just for the day it was intended if you follow!! I do too hope they run out very quickly, but they can soon buy some more of the internet :huh: ATB

06-11-17, 14:04
Of course, but some traditions are now getting more often and not just for the day it was intended if you follow!! I do too hope they run out very quickly, but they can soon buy some more of the internet :huh: ATB

:shrug: yeh it does carry on too long , agree bigboy
:mad: and yeh anything’s possiblenow with internet 😫

06-11-17, 14:50
:shrug: yeh it does carry on too long , agree bigboy
:mad: and yeh anything’s possiblenow with internet �� Iam greatful for having a proper child hood with out this tech stuff:) ATB

06-11-17, 17:45
Some are going off near me now. Isolated stuff though. I expect it will tail off through this week.

It's the money involved. They start selling them so early in the big shops.

We also get them for religious festivals but I've always found they are very respectful. They stick to the nights in question and it's a short blast around early evening.

The idiots letting off at 3am after the pub are annoying but we seem to get less of them nowadays.

07-11-17, 09:43
Hi , I don't mind them too much but they do go on for weeks now , my dogs one isn't the slightest bit bothered the other much older is climbing the walls she's constantly shaking and panting but the more you try and calm her the worse she gets so we have to try and ignore her , they will go on now until new year .

Hi Buster.

Re your older dog and the fireworks, you could try massaging her, maybe use a little lavender oil on your hands first, just a little. My dog is terrified of loud bangs too and when the hunting started a few weeks ago he was petrified, I have never seen him so scared, but I massaged him rather than stroking him, Didn´t speak to him , just made gentle shooshing sounds and it really calmed him down. He was actually falling asleep sitting up. :)

07-11-17, 11:04
Hi Buster.

Re your older dog and the fireworks, you could try massaging her, maybe use a little lavender oil on your hands first, just a little. My dog is terrified of loud bangs too and when the hunting started a few weeks ago he was petrified, I have never seen him so scared, but I massaged him rather than stroking him, Didn´t speak to him , just made gentle shooshing sounds and it really calmed him down. He was actually falling asleep sitting up. :) Exactly Chick to do nothing is not good when I first knew my girl didn't like fireworks I was trying different things till I found what works for me, one thing I do know is if the pack leader is anxious then so will the rest of the pack will pick up on that. Buster you can get plug in diffusers that omit a pherophone (think that's what it's called) in to the air and can calm your dog down, Same as rescue remedy is another good product that calms your dogs nerves and your too it's formulated for us but is totally safe for our dogs, why put your dog through this misery when there are products out there?

Talking to them can actually feed and reinforce the fear, I know I used to make that mistake years ago even it's ok is bad saying that as you are basically say it's ok to shake dogs learn by association thinking. Turn you tv volume up close curtains dance around and make the experience fun. Good luck ATB

07-11-17, 18:18
Iam greatful for having a proper child hood with out this tech stuff:) ATB

Yep me too :yesyes:

07-11-17, 23:04
Folks I am sure some of you will have heard on the news about a firework attack in Birmingham (Tilehill) it was a display fire work so not for public use and contained 200 individual tubes in a sealed unit this was then lit and thrown in to some house causing horrific damage to the house I person was in coma and since died in hospital his wife escaped through a upstairs window, but broke her legs when she jumped. what a callous and mindless attack maybe teenagers or adults that have done this I do hope they are brought to justice and dealt with severely which I do doubt this is very sad

07-11-17, 23:07
Folks I am sure some of you will have heard on the news about a firework attack in Birmingham (Tilehill) it was a display fire work so not for public use and contained 200 individual tubes in a sealed unit this was then lit and thrown in to some house causing horrific damage to the house I person was in coma and since died in hospital his wife escaped through a upstairs window, but broke her legs when she jumped. what a callous and mindless attack maybe teenagers or adults that have done this I do hope they are brought to justice and dealt with severely which I do doubt this is very sad

That’s awful!!
I had not heard about this.
Was that on November 5th it happened?
Terrible, just senseless...:weep:

08-11-17, 13:59
That’s awful!!
I had not heard about this.
Was that on November 5th it happened?
Terrible, just senseless...:weep: Not sure Velvet but it will be on the Central tv website for sure. what gets me it was a commercial type firework so makes me wonder how it was obtained unless thieves broke in to a lock up/garage etc like I said the house is gutted and some innocent person lost their life too. as it would have taken 2 mins for all 200 shots to have gone off seriously I would damage the scum for life I wouldn't be able to help my self or the usual crap will come out they are unemployed and bored or from a poor family what a bloody shame NOT:mad: ATB

08-11-17, 17:30
What about getting a Dalmatian? I hear many of them are deaf. Problem solved!

08-11-17, 17:34
We've had a couple of local factories on fire due to errant fireworks. Maybe the council need to impose some "no fly zones"? :shrug:

08-11-17, 18:21
...what is it with you Europeans and loud bangs?:D

---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 18:19 ----------

...which actually reminds me of something...a small group of girls was talking in the office one day and as I was walking by one asked me...Hey N...what do you think of short bangs? I promptly replied...I love quickies!:)

Probably get fired for that one today.

08-11-17, 18:52
Not sure Velvet but it will be on the Central tv website for sure. what gets me it was a commercial type firework so makes me wonder how it was obtained unless thieves broke in to a lock up/garage etc like I said the house is gutted and some innocent person lost their life too. as it would have taken 2 mins for all 200 shots to have gone off seriously I would damage the scum for life I wouldn't be able to help my self or the usual crap will come out they are unemployed and bored or from a poor family what a bloody shame NOT:mad: ATB

Awful. Yes seen it now :weep:

---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:49 ----------

Luckily I’ve not heard many fireworks since November 5th ,so happy days !!


08-11-17, 19:17
What about getting a Dalmatian? I hear many of them are deaf. Problem solved! No that's selective hearing lol all breeds suffer from that:D ATB

---------- Post added at 19:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

Awful. Yes seen it now :weep:

---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:49 ----------

Luckily I’ve not heard many fireworks since November 5th ,so happy days !!

:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: Yes our thoughts and prayers should go to the families concerned shocking. No nor me lol that is perfect till the run up to new year bit silly really to have more:huh: ATB

13-11-17, 09:50
I love fireworks but I hate people who use them without thinking of other people/animals. DOgs run away so often scared of this loud sound

13-11-17, 12:42
We've just had another weekend of noisy displays..How much longer??!!:mad::mad:

13-11-17, 13:12
Yes 2 nights ago was bad I didn't give rescue remedy that night didnt expect any! And my poor dog was bad I didn't help matters either by being angry with her glad she has forgiven me dogs are like that and never hold a grudge unlike people. Amazing :) ATB

14-11-17, 00:06
Yes 2 nights ago was bad I didn't give rescue remedy that night didnt expect any! And my poor dog was bad I didn't help matters either by being angry with her glad she has forgiven me dogs are like that and never hold a grudge unlike people. Amazing :) ATB

Yes I love them
They really are amazing 😊❤️