View Full Version : Increase in venlafaxine from 150mg to 187.5mg - more anxious?

05-11-17, 09:49
Hi I've just joined this site and this is my first post. I've had sever anxiety for over a year now. Quite a few changes in meds and a lot of bad things have happened within my family over this time also. I went back on venlafaxine around June 2017. For a few months I felt great, actually felt normal and was really coping with things then all of a sudden I felt my anxiety coming back and I had a few panic attacks again. I was under the mental health team but they had discharged me back to my gp. GP increased me to 187.5mg just 2 days ago. I woke through the night feeling like I was going into major panic mode. I managed to control it with breathing and talking myself down but I'm wondering if the increase could be making me feel worse? Will it get better or should I go back to 150mg? I have to say as well I've been drinking too much and I know I shouldn't have had a drink while increasing so also wondering if this could be the cause. I was previously on 225mg venlafaxine and had to decrease due to increased heart rate etc. Maybe I should go back to the 150mg and make an effort to cut out the alcohol? Sorry for the massive post!!

05-11-17, 17:38
I've had the exact same problem with the dose increase from 150 mg to 187.5 mg with increased anxiety and worsened agoraphobia and depersonalisation symptoms. Seeing as it happened 7 weeks after I had increased the dose, my therapist was convinced it was the medication that was causing my issues. However, I chose not to cut back and go back to 150 mg after giving it 2 more weeks. I'm feeling better now, though I've been put on Seroquel.

Please cut out the alcohol. It does no one any favours, especially an anxiety sufferer who is on medication that mustn't be mixed with alcohol.