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19-04-03, 23:53
This restricts my life because it stops me doing a lot of things including flying so I have not been abroad for over 7 years! I hate it but not sure how to overcome it. :(

29-10-03, 13:19
hi nic
perhaps we should have another group set up too get people on a plane going to shops ,on trains,so they should all enjoy life to the fill,what do you all think

01-11-03, 19:39
Yeah Bish

Not sure how we do it though!


02-11-03, 18:39
I'm not sure how you feel about medication but I have found that Cipralex completely stopped my quite severe claustrophobia...

02-11-03, 19:39
Hi Twister,

I am trying to stay off the drugs - gave them all up 5 years ago, but thanks for thinking of me and replying



01-12-03, 11:45
I have a friend without internet access, who has quite severe claustophobia.

She consulted her doctor, who said that there was no treatment available on the NHS as it "wasn't ruining her life".

She paid for some CBT session, but they were very costly, and she was forced to stop them before she felt any benefit.

We were discussing phobias/anxiety the other night, and she believes that she is too old to confront her problems (she is 65, but a very young 65 if you know what I mean). She lives on her own, and likes to travel, but often finds that she is unable to go where she wants due to her problem (plane/train toilets, small aircraft etc are an issue, as are places only accessible by lifts)

Can anybody recommend any self-help books/tapes etc that she may try.

I have suggested she re-vistit the doctor. The previous consulation happend in the south-west, and she has since moved to Derbyshire, where treatment of anxiety related conditions seems to be much better.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

Many thanks


01-12-03, 14:53
oh charlie,

this poor lady,wot did she do to deserve a doctor as ignorant,and un-caring as this one.

have a look at www.hypnosisaudio.com ,they have hypnotic tapes for all conditions,and have a good reputation as well.

she might also find some relief from taking <bach rescue>,just a few drops in mineral water,and sip a little all day,even carry in her bag.

shes lucky to have a friend like you...bryan.

01-12-03, 22:09
Would she consider Hypnotherapy - helped get me back on the plane after so many years and I have claustrophbia?


02-12-03, 09:01
Not sure Nic, but will give her your suggestions.

Many thanks


02-12-03, 22:41
Sometimes on the 'plane I try "reframing" when I feel uncomfortable. Instead of thinking the 'plane is cramped, hot and unsafe, I tell myself it's cozy, comfortable and the safest way of travelling (which it definately is.)It helps. But I'd bet everyone, including pilots, have had their dodgy moments on a 'plane!


03-12-03, 23:22
I never had claustrophobia until I started having panic attacks. I can't get on a plane now without .75 mg of Xanax. Wouldn't even try it without. I have been thinking lately of trying some kind of therapy, because the claustrophobia is getting worse, and I don't like to be dependent on drugs. A friend told me about EMDR - eye movement something or other. (I'm sorry - I can't remember the rest of it right now.) It supposedly works in very few sessions. They do it here in NY. Don't know about over there.

I hate this phobia. I never had it before in my life. I went to Universal Studios in Florida this past summer with my family and on the first day we lined up to get on a ride I love and have been on many times before, "Back to the Future." It's sort of a simulator ride, where you're sitting in a replica of a Delorean, just like in the movie. Even before it was time to board the ride, in a little (very little) ante room, I had a great big, full fledged, panic attack. I couldn't do any of the rides on the whole vacation. It was very annoying, to say the least.

03-01-04, 12:22
I feel safe usually in a plane coz im surrounded by people. The safty prosegeres can scare me a little.


18-01-04, 17:31
I know it would be EXTREMELY hard w/ severe phobias, but you really do have to try exposing yourself slowly to your fear... if your claustrophobic, dont immediately jump into a closet, but go into a train that isnt terribly crowded, or an empty elevator... then increase the severity of it as you get more comfortable... if you really want to beat it you cant just say OH GOD NOT IM NEVER DOING THAT or run away the second you get in the elevator... breathe slowly and try to stay calm - bring a friend or relative that you can use for support - its basically exactly what im doing with my acrachnophobic friend (see the arachnophobia post).


18-01-04, 20:23
I dont mean to scare any one but me and my mum were stuck in an elervator for 30mins. If ya dont think about it then ya be okay.


25-01-04, 22:47
I can just about travel in planes, cars etc - with a little help from others and a bit of positive thinking - but shut me in the side of a car that has a child lock on it or put me in a situation where I can`t get out, and I`ll go NUTS!! Even the seatbelt in my car gets me in a panic when it locks if you bend forward! I want to get rid of this fear before my 3 month old daughter is old enough to pick up on this, and want to have happy holidays abroad and a stress free time here...What can I do?


26-01-04, 13:40
I am claustophobic and have had two really horrible situations

1. I was stuck in the London blackout on the tube underground for 45 mins

2. I was stuck in a small room with my mentally ill neighbour outside threatening to kill me (he was eventually sectioned)

These really did not help me at all!


26-01-04, 17:11
Emily ,

How are you doing these days and have you started your CBT yet ?


16-02-04, 01:17
I`m new to this site. Can any1 tell me the basic ways you can cope with a phobia?


16-02-04, 13:57
Its just takes practice and determination. You have to exposure yourself to what you are afraid of in small controlled bursts until finally you can do the thinkg you were afraid of without any 'crutches'

I am going for my second CBT session next week. I am a bit confused as to what i am meant to be doing at the moment to be honest.....


17-02-04, 21:49
umm - Em, has he set you tasks or something more profound ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-04-04, 03:02
I would be honored to hear your expert advice on my situation


03-04-04, 13:36

Can you tell us what this phobia is? I have done a quick search on the net and cant find it. (im guessing clowns?..very common phobia!)

CBT can be useful for phobias.

love Sarah

22-05-04, 11:58
OMG I`m projecting my claustrophobia onto my daughter now! We recently bought a playpen for her, but I`m afraid to close it just in case I can`t get her out! I get anxious just looking at her in it when it`s shut (dp shut it) and am struggling not to open it so she can `get out`.


22-05-04, 12:14
Hi Nicola

Now how you feel. I hate been stuck in anywhere where i have no control of when i want to get out. My worst was my first nightshifts because you dont carry keys so if i wanted out of the wing i couldnt get out. It isnt the small spaces that do it for me its the control fact that i cant get out. I mean the wing is massive but i still panicked because i had lost control with having no keys, if needed to get out i had to answer to someone else. We all have our comfort zones and im fine in this country because i no i can get home, i prefer to drive myself, yet again another point which i can control. But a few months ago i got so sick of not been able to go abroad like NORMAL people and it annoyed me how people get so excited whilst i would be full of dread, so i did a brave (or maybe stupid) thing but booked a holiday for me and Sam. I did it over the internet so the flights & accommodation are separate and ill have to do my own transfer when get there, but that made me feel i had a bit more control rather than doing everything a rep tells you. Only thing is i go on Friday and now am starting to worry about it. Crazy isnt it!!!!! Chose a short flight 2hr 20mins to majorca and ive already started counting how many panic attacks i can have in that duration. But i am going to push myself to do it however hard it is. Just hope i dont lose it and try to get out of the door through mid flight!!!!!!! But i will have my diazepam close at hand!!!!!!

Sal xxxx

22-05-04, 12:40
Good luck with your holiday Sal mate.

Hope it all goes well let us know!

Good luck & keep in touch.

Loadsa Love PMT PIP'S XX

01-01-07, 21:00
i have claustophobia its destroying my life i cant go in lifts i can go on trains,planes i have too sleep in the living room most of the time cuase i got the smallest room in the house and most of the class rooms in my school cuase me too pass out its ruined my life