View Full Version : Glaucoma fear

06-11-17, 13:11
Hi Guys,

Has anyone ever had the fear of blindness before?. Recently I found out I needed glasses for astigmatism but in that eye test the glaucoma machine wasn't working. I'm now paranoid I have glaucoma as I've been getting weird symptoms like seeing more red veins in my eye, slight eye/headaches, slight fleeting nausea, sensitive to light/ poor vision in my room at night when the light is low amongst many other things. Does anyone ever get this?. Last month I was worrying about heart disease and heat stroke but the eye one has been particularly difficult for me as it genuinely feels like there is something wrong, (it doesn't help when the glaucoma machine doesn't work either).

thanks guys

06-11-17, 14:26

None of those symptoms point specifically to glaucoma. They could be caused by any number of benign conditions, probably your astigmatism. It is extremely unlikely that you would have glaucoma.

How old are you? Does it run in your family? Do you know your vision prescription?

If you got open angle glaucoma it would come on very slowly with probably no symptoms in which case it could easily be picked up next time you have your eyes tested and they could treat it with drops. If you're really worried, just book another appointment for when their equipment is fixed.

If you got closed angle glaucoma it would be very sudden with diminishing vision and probably an extremely bad headache. This would be an emergency and you'd need to go to hospital. Even then, it can usually be treated. This type of glaucoma is more associated with extreme far-sightedness.

I've worried about glaucoma before, so have done a lot of research!

The risk is really very low. I wouldn't worry at all from your symptoms. Get your eye pressure checked if you're really worried, and have them check the angle of your anterior chambers.

09-11-17, 19:28
Thanks for your response, I'm 26 and doesn't run in the family. And the prescription has 3 columns for the right and left eye. For the right it says Sph is 0.00 Cyl-1.00 and axis 175. The left +0.25, - 1.00 and axis 180. This means nothing to me haha. Like my night vision and general vision just seems to be getting worse if you know what I mean, I don't know it it's just in my head an I'm over analysing. So you also worried about glaucoma?

09-11-17, 21:00
Thanks for your response, I'm 26 and doesn't run in the family. And the prescription has 3 columns for the right and left eye. For the right it says Sph is 0.00 Cyl-1.00 and axis 175. The left +0.25, - 1.00 and axis 180. This means nothing to me haha. Like my night vision and general vision just seems to be getting worse if you know what I mean, I don't know it it's just in my head an I'm over analysing. So you also worried about glaucoma?

I have been in the past, not so much now.

So you're just ever so slightly long sighted, with astigmatism, young, no family history... it would be exceptionally unlikely for you to have glaucoma! Even the symptoms you've been having don't point to it at all

But there's no harm having them check your eye pressure next time you're in, just to set your mind at ease. I'm sure it'll be fine.

10-11-17, 10:26
OK thanks, I didn't think health anxiety would progress to eye worries. Is that quite common?. Also, what are the typical glaucoma symptoms?.

10-11-17, 10:44
OK thanks, I didn't think health anxiety would progress to eye worries. Is that quite common?. Also, what are the typical glaucoma symptoms?.

I think lots of people are scared of blindness.

Well, if you had a sudden attack of narrow angle glaucoma, it would come on very quickly I think, so you'd know! Your vision would deteriorate within hours, and you'd get a terrible headache, and would need to go straight to hospital.

With other types, it's a much slower process. You probably wouldn't notice anything. It would just be picked up when they checked your eye pressure, and then they could treat you pretty easily.

I don't think they even routinely check eye pressure until you're about 40 because it's so rare to get glaucoma younger! Don't worry! I'm sure they'll check if you ask though.

Obviously I'm no expert so this might not be completely accurate. Best to ring your optician.