View Full Version : Spirling downward advice needed

06-11-17, 16:35
It seems that I am resistant to many types of meds. I just stopped gabapentin after experiencing high anxiety and forgetting my words! I'm going through a tough patch. I take Lexepro and Klonopin daily. I don't think the Lexepro is helping, or maybe i'm just going through a bad anxiety flare up.

What can I do to help my anxiety attacks? I had one in the shower today (of all places). I took my klonopin and it knocked it down a notch, however I feel residual anxiety. I do have therapy today. My doctor wants to switch me to Pristiq now. I have therapy tonight. I'm so scared of feeling anxious and feeling what i'm feeling.

06-11-17, 16:54
What has your therapist suggested during times of panic? Have you done any CBT with him/her or other focused treatment on the panic and anxiety? CBT4Panic on here is a great resource in addition to what you are already doing.

For what it's worth, I am on lexapro. I found I had to be at 20 mg personally to have it help my anxiety. I don't know what your dose is or how long you've been on it. That was just my own experience with it.

06-11-17, 21:39
I'm on 20MG and it's been about 2 months, maybe longer. Before that, I switched from Celexa, which wasn't really helping either. I am using the CBT4 panic website and learning a lot. I think I'm worried that this new medication is giving me withdrawl after two weeks. I hope it passes soon. I feel panicky.

12-11-17, 22:15
I know how frustrating it can be to wait for the right "fit" of meds when you are suffering. I am going through a tough anxiety episode right now too and am using the klonopin daily. I am also increasing my zoloft slowly and hoping it starts to help. Hang in there.