View Full Version : Friends dog

06-11-17, 17:01
Anyone who has a dog or has a friend who has a dog and has anxiety?

How does the dog respond to to you - I know they have a good sense of smell and can sense nervousness and can smell fear etc.

Anyone who has a dog have you seen him / her respond strangely to the friend with anxiety?

Can a dog understand the difference between fear and anxiety with a fairly new person?

Just interested and I know different dogs have different personalities and mean no offence as I know many dogs are friendly.

06-11-17, 19:24
I think that my dog is quite 'sympathetic' when I am anxious. He will often lie down beside me keeping body contact.
I've had him 6 years so we know each oher well.
I would guess that he's reacting to subtle body language signals that I don't know I'm giving out.

06-11-17, 20:00
Yes I'd expect that off my own pet dog or i'm sure that most who have dogs would.

Referring to the reactions of a dog who doesn't know you or who has rarely met you. I know many dogs sniff strangers who come round etc but if they smelt anxiety on a stranger would they understand this was different to fear? Especially if the person with anxiety was anxious about the situation (nervous that the dog might jump up or sniff them)?

06-11-17, 21:29
Hi Mark Yeah dogs are well tuned in to our moods I know had my dog 10 years now it amazing that a dog has still 98% wolf DNA in them even though they are now domesticated and are tame etc, mine will often sit with me when I am down or very low spirits she is amazing and true friend,you have dog then, what breed have you got? And in answer to your question probably yes ATB

07-11-17, 09:40
In my experience I have anxiety and am easily stressed and my dog also has anxiety issues (she came already damaged). She is definitely affected if I am on edge so it forces me to calm myself for her benefit.

What may be an interesting story here is that when I was working in mental health I sometimes brought her to spend time with clients. She's not a snuggly dog and my clients on the autistic spectrum really enjoyed her company.

Anyway I had a client who was autistic, had PTSD and was also transgender (male to female). She presented herself as female but still looked quite masculine but was feminine in manner. My dog was very fearful of men but took to this client right away and they were quite good friends. So, this client also had what I suspect was some sort of multiple personalities going on. One day we'd had a walk and were sitting at the park having a chat and my dog suddenly went ballistic and I thought she was going to attack - came very close! After calming everyone down it seemed that one of my clients male personalities was on his way out and my dog must have sensed that, hence her reaction.

Moral of the story - dogs are very intelligent and perceptive and it is hard to hide anything from them. However, how they react to our emotional changes will depend on the dog, their own emotional state etc.

07-11-17, 09:55
Hi Mark.

My own dog is by my side almost constantly at the moment,because I am anxious etc, although now the weather is changing to colder and he is inside he could be making up for the months he spends outside which he prefers in the heat, in his various shelters , and is enjoying being with me.

He´s a nervous dog anyway, was abandoned and I think ill treated until he joined p with my other abandoned dog who brought him home to me, so it would be hard to tell if he picked up on a persons anxiety, s he would be anxious too.

I take you points though and its very interesting. Wonder what Cesar Milan would say to that question?

07-11-17, 12:46
Any time I have a panic attack or am crying, my dog is right by my side on her own accord with her head in my lap. She is so sensitive to us. She has also become much more protective since I have been pregnant.

I'm not sure if she has been around strangers who are going through something, but she's generally a friendly dog. When people come to the house who she doesn't know she growls for like two seconds and then as soon as they pet her she is fine and is their best friend.

07-11-17, 13:41
Hi Mark.

My own dog is by my side almost constantly at the moment,because I am anxious etc, although now the weather is changing to colder and he is inside he could be making up for the months he spends outside which he prefers in the heat, in his various shelters , and is enjoying being with me.

He´s a nervous dog anyway, was abandoned and I think ill treated until he joined p with my other abandoned dog who brought him home to me, so it would be hard to tell if he picked up on a persons anxiety, s he would be anxious too.

I take you points though and its very interesting. Wonder what Cesar Milan would say to that question? Or Victoria Stillwall or stellwall off it's me or the dog both excellent trainers in my book :)

07-11-17, 21:42
My dog is the only one who makes me feel better when I’m anxious, he needs me to be strong to look after him and that really helps me. He definately knows when I’m feeling anxious and is always much better behaved when I’m having an off day lol.

All dogs are different but they’re all really intelligent so I would without a doubt say dogs know the difference between anxiousness and fear. Dogs are experts in reading body language because obviously they can’t talk so it’s all they have to go on.

07-11-17, 21:50
My dog is the only one who makes me feel better when I’m anxious, he needs me to be strong to look after him and that really helps me. He definately knows when I’m feeling anxious and is always much better behaved when I’m having an off day lol.

All dogs are different but they’re all really intelligent so I would without a doubt say dogs know the difference between anxiousness and fear. Dogs are experts in reading body language because obviously they can’t talk so it’s all they have to go on. So true higherlove thy don't hold grudges and love us for who we are:yesyes: What breed do you have? ATB

07-11-17, 21:57
So true higherlove thy don't hold grudges and love us for who we are:yesyes: What breed do you have? ATB

Dogs are too good for this world man, unconditional love:shrug: I have a Shar Pei, he looks the part but he’s really just a big wrinkley teddy bear lol. Do you have a dog?

07-11-17, 22:08
Dogs are too good for this world man, unconditional love:shrug: I have a Shar Pei, he looks the part but he’s really just a big wrinkley teddy bear lol. Do you have a dog? You aren't wrong there:D I do have a dog nearly 10 now I have a Stafford bull terrier absolutely wonderful breed often misunderstood I would have more if I could beats people hands down :) ATB

07-11-17, 22:18
You aren't wrong there:D I do have a dog nearly 10 now I have a Stafford bull terrier absolutely wonderful breed often misunderstood I would have more if I could beats people hands down :) ATB

Love staffys, such crazy goofy characters lol. I find people misunderstand Shar Pei’s a lot too, people often pick their dogs up and take them the other way when they see him😞 if I could live on an island with just me and dogs I can guarantee I wouldn’t have anxiety anymore lol.

07-11-17, 23:34
I mean to rephrase the connection this is talking about a friends house and his dogs reaction to me.

I know dogs will bark a lot when friends go the house and sniff etc which is fine at first although I get nervous at first when going to the house.

I have aspergers and am quite stressed with anxiety. Just not sure about the way she responds to me or whether she doesn't like me or something.

She seems quite cautious of me like she's wary of me that I would step on her paw by mistake when I'm near? She also opened her mouth and put it round my leg but didn't bite or hurt me (what does that mean)? Seemed to be watching me and barking (not all the time but more often than with others).

She also didn't want to be stroked that much. I have tried and given her a dog biscuit etc.

Are these normal for a friends dog or more to do with me?

I know she has had a few difficulties as my friends wife died 8 months or so ago and obviously that's tough for their family.

Not exactly scared of dogs but I used to be and sometimes when I'm at a bus stop for example and a dog walks past it will surprise me and make me jump but more to do with the surprise.

08-11-17, 12:20
I mean to rephrase the connection this is talking about a friends house and his dogs reaction to me.

I know dogs will bark a lot when friends go the house and sniff etc which is fine at first although I get nervous at first when going to the house.

I have aspergers and am quite stressed with anxiety. Just not sure about the way she responds to me or whether she doesn't like me or something.

She seems quite cautious of me like she's wary of me that I would step on her paw by mistake when I'm near? She also opened her mouth and put it round my leg but didn't bite or hurt me (what does that mean)? Seemed to be watching me and barking (not all the time but more often than with others).

She also didn't want to be stroked that much. I have tried and given her a dog biscuit etc.

Are these normal for a friends dog or more to do with me?

I know she has had a few difficulties as my friends wife died 8 months or so ago and obviously that's tough for their family.

Not exactly scared of dogs but I used to be and sometimes when I'm at a bus stop for example and a dog walks past it will surprise me and make me jump but more to do with the surprise. Hi Mark This is the thing you are nervous the dog will 'home' in on this.

It's not a question of wether she likes you or not the dog is unsure of you ok look for the body language of the dog are it's ears up right and alert and tail high up this is good, or sort of pointing backwards, is the tail tucked underneath at the back if this is the case then the dog is fearful/unsure of you. Maybe the dog is a rescue dog (is it?) and if it is it may have previous history (bad) that's made it like this! Iam sorry to hear about your friends wife dying at least he has a good friend in you to support him :)

Hmm that's interesting that while the dog didn't bite you it put its mouth round your leg I would say this is not even leading up to a bite or a attack Maybe it was like lets see what reaction will I get if I do this maybe looking for some response off you :) You certainly wasn't in any danger for sure!!

What I suggest is next time you go round ignore the dog (a test only) So no eye contact with the dog no talking to the dog, no stroking. get a few treats and still with no contact atall just toss a treat away from you and gradually let them get nearer to you and have a couple in a opened up flat hand again no contact atall nothing, this is a test to see what's going on what breed is your friend's dog?

---------- Post added at 12:20 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ----------

Love staffys, such crazy goofy characters lol. I find people misunderstand Shar Pei’s a lot too, people often pick their dogs up and take them the other way when they see him�� if I could live on an island with just me and dogs I can guarantee I wouldn’t have anxiety anymore lol.Oh they certainly are but they aren't for the faint hearted or weak willed people, I have found my staff very challenging at times, even now, but saying that I enjoy a challenge off her and will take her on, she knows her boundaries which is cool never had a food issue with her like guarding her food/bowl and I can put my hand in her bowl while eating so super cool. Very loyal, loving and obedient too yes love to live in country away from mankind and the stinking rat race we live in, I would do it tomorrow if I could:yesyes: ATB

16-12-17, 13:26
My dog is the only one who makes me feel better when I’m anxious, he needs me to be strong to look after him and that really helps me. He definately knows when I’m feeling anxious and is always much better behaved when I’m having an off day lol.

All dogs are different but they’re all really intelligent so I would without a doubt say dogs know the difference between anxiousness and fear. Dogs are experts in reading body language because obviously they can’t talk so it’s all they have to go on.

This! My dog picks up on my moods quicker than anyone. He can read me like a book. He's so emotionally intelligent and I wouldn't have gotten over my agoraphobia without him. However he's now dying.. has a tumour and it's aggressive and can't be removed due to the position. It's so far beyond heart breaking. He is 12 but he's so fit and healthy and happy and it's just the worst luck. So yeah cherish your dog! :)