View Full Version : Am i having aftermath symptoms from a panic attack?

06-11-17, 17:40
I am hoping someone can offer advice. Bit of background. I am under 30, no previous medical history of note and no history of panic attacks. Over last 3 years i have had a very stressful time. Lost a parent among other stressful situations. I have always been able to hold it together and plod on although the loss of my dad is an everday struggle.

8 days ago i woke with a pain in my chest. A few hours later in a shop i collapsed to the floor struggling to breathe, my whole body had pins and needles and my eyes were moving side to side very quickly. I thought i was dying of a heart attack. Someone called an ambulance and i was taken to hospital. Chest xray was clear and was advised chest pain had been muscular. It was mentioned at hospital this could have been a panic attack.

The next morning i woke up with a terrible pressure headache, mainly on the left side, this was consistent for 2 days. After the 2 days it began to ease off and i then started to experience feeling very 'off', feeling like i was going to pass out and had a very strange tingling/numbness in my face and arms and legs. This has been ongoing for 4 days. Althought the tingling sensation is easing off and coming and going, my gp sent me back to hospital 2 days ago about this and they tested my blood again which all came back clear apart from low WBC and CRP. They were not worried and said probably just viral. I have no cold pr flu symptoms and not sure iv ever heard of a virus that causes all this! Im also having mild pains coming and going in my leg, base of back and side.

I am left really confused and anxious about what is happening to me. I am still unable to return to work as i feel very strange and light headed as soon s i try to do much. I am mum to a 2 year old and im worried it could be something more sinister. So i have decided to start seeking advice if this could have been a panic attack i suffered and if all the symptoms that have followed are common for the aftermath of a panic attack?

Any advice appreciated

06-11-17, 19:38
I am not an expert but My experience with attacks and anxiety is: chest pain , fear of having a heart attack, difficulty breathing, pins and needles all over body, leg and back pain, severe headache, numbness, feeling tired and worried.

07-11-17, 06:24
Hi. After I have a really bad panic attack it does take a while for your body to get over it. At least a couple of days for me. You feel really spaced out because your body has been through a stressful experience. It will get better. I have an 18 month old son, it's hard work! I think the thought about not being there for you kids growing up will have worried most parents with anxiety or not. That's not going to happen.

07-11-17, 22:06
Sounds like you had a bad panic attack and a result the tension between panic attack and the anxiety has given you a tension headache. I get them all the time. Is this followed by anything of these...

- Twitching
- Shooting pains in head, face, and shoulders
- Strange throat sensations