View Full Version : Symptoms

18-06-07, 17:15
Hi there guys :)

Popped in to say hi - haven't been to NMP for ages! Thought i'd talk about my old symptoms (which have now largely gone!) just in case anyone out there has them too.

I have suffered with health anx for 18 months but have been pretty much cured since I had a lot of therapy! (REBT/ CBT)

I got better in January but what i find now is I'm absolutely A-OK till I have a LOT of extra stress and then some of the physical symptoms come back -
I know what they are now so they don't bother me - but they are a bit annoying!!!

Here's what I found out about some of my symptoms - it's all in my muscles!!!

HeadAches were my main prob (used to terrify me and i was sure something was really wrong with me like meningitis, brain tumour or brain hem etc) - i still get the headaches every now and again - sometimes big throbbers, sometimes they are localised to small areas of painful tightness that occur anywhere on my scalp, sometimes it's a very brief scary intense stabbing pain, sometimes feelings of fullness/tightness in my cheeks, ear and jaw, sometimes a really sore scalp - hurt to touch - (pain killers didn't help much either really) and sometimes I had bizarre feelings of heat or cold on my scalp...and once on my finger tip - that was really weird! - a hot finger tip??????

After a while (and lots of therapy) I realised that these mains were muscular (anxiety adrenaline plays havok with muscles) - and it was helped by the therapy but also eating regularly, and watching my posture. Phone balanced on the shoulder with your head bent is a total NO NO - resting chin on hands while at desk - BIG NO NO (both can cause head/ facial pain) Sat at computer researching symptoms in a hunched up position...? Hmmmm... no wonder my pains got worse as I searched!!!

This is an interesting link shows you how muscle abuse can cause pain in the head and face.

Heart Pain, Palps and Missing Beats
I was convinced I had a bad heart - now i cough deeply when my heart skips that stops it in it's trax! I was like... Oh yes... I forgot the heart is a muscle!!!
I had terrible pain in my chest for ages - again it turns out it was chest wall muscle contractions caused by anx (sometimes indigestion - ow though!) Feeling tight in the chest like that (especially with the accompanying stabbing pain) IS scary - no wonder we think it's a heart attack! I couldn't even wear a bra sometimes it hurt that much and felt so tight!

Throat Tightness/Lumpy feeling and Hard to swallow
Oooh, that was horrid - kept thinking about oral/throat cancer! Turns out you have muscles in your throat too and they can tighten and hurt just like your scalp!!!

I realise now most of the pain I endured and mostly ignored (bloody hard isn't it?) was muscular and that set me off worrying about all manner of illnesses! I remember getting a tight spot of painful muscle on the back of my knee and I rang NHS direct cos I thought it was DVT (clot). This has happened all over my body since! Pinching pains I call them cos it really feels like being pinched!

So much runs through your head when you have all these symptoms and i really feel for anyone who has HA. It's absolutely horrible being that scared (I was in terror) all the time. I can really sympathise. Ok, we DO over react but some of the pains are really really scary!

CBT and REBT, Claire Weekes and Rescue remedy helped me no end but also actually looking after myself better, eating more veg and fruit, cutting down drinking wine did a lot of good i think too :)

Just stopping smoking to go now! I've set my date (30 June) and am reading Alan Carr's EasyWay to stop smoking (hope it helps!!!)

I did the Race for Life yesterday! 5 K - 30 mins -Woohoo! I was so proud cos last year I couldn't imagine ever running anywhere again in case I keeled over!

Hoping you all are having a good day today and not letting the crappy symptoms get you down too much!

All the best to you all

18-06-07, 19:08
Hey Claireypoo !
What a fantastic achievement. You will inspire all who read this !
Be kind to yourself

18-06-07, 19:50
Thanks Neptuno! :) You too!!!

18-06-07, 20:06

What a fab post and thanks for taking time to come back and post it. I will make a note of it so I can refer people to it for reassurance:D

Well done on all your achievements - you have done so fab:yesyes: :yesyes:

Great news to read this evening.

18-06-07, 20:22
Thanks Nic! :) and THANK YOU and NMP!

18-06-07, 20:51
Thanks for your post,

I have suffered with my ears for years, dr thought i had glue ear or sinusitis because I was getting full ears, paine etc... I get light headed so I panic i might faint, I get tension headaches, sensitive eyes to light and giddy, feel sick, lose my apetite etc...... I had all of these feelings today because I felt totally exhausted I got panicked.

I even got sent to an ENT surgeon recently to find all was fine, as soon as I relaxed I had no pains in my ears for 2 weeks, amazing after suffering for 3yrs.

I now feel much better but today just because I felt tired all the anxiety symptoms hit but of course they scare you so you end up feeling in a vicious circle. I still feel giddy tonight.

Well done you for getting well.

18-06-07, 21:20
wow claire that is brilliant!!! :D i get alot of the same symp u used to get...do u have any advise how to at least make a start? im so happy for u, its stories like urs that make me believe i can do it too!
can i just ask a quick question, do u or have u suffered at all from ibs? i have ibs and anxiety, also get ectopic/palps..i really need support and would be great to hear about how u got rid of ur symptoms..thanks so much claire.

19-06-07, 20:02
Hi there Dizzy

Yes indeedy! I used to get IBS a lot - it was really helped by changing my diet (and probably by losing the anx too!) How is your diet? I found the more vegetables I ate and the less alcohol i drank had a huge positive effect.

As a start I would recommend (if you can) finding a therapist who does REBT (rational emotive behaviour therapy) or CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) I went private for mine cos I was sick of NHS waiting lists!

Failing that there are some great books to get you started - anything by CLAIRE WEEKES (a must!!!) I have Self Help for your Nerves by her and it was read to rags! Another good book is an REBT workbook called "Reason to Change" by Windy Dryden (yes Windy! - wonder if he suffered from IBS!!!???:) ) (see amazon) it's basically exactly what i did in REBT therapy and it's a great start.

Dizziness for me used to come and go and it did used to scare me a lot. I really feel it's an anx thing made worse by blood sugar... do you eat regularly? Looking after yourself properly can be so life changing. When you feel dizzy you could try sipping fresh orange juice? I get dizzy when I eat sugar too so I cut down on the choccy!

And for bad days Bach remedy "Mimulus" is great for health fears! When I was bad I'd be dropping it on my tongue all day!!!:D

You can PM me if you like! Sometimes it's just nice to have some support from someone who understands!

Hoping you feel better soon!

19-06-07, 22:31
Hi Claire

Great post. I needed to read your post today and it is a great encouragement. I wish you all the best and many blessings


20-06-07, 08:38
Wow Claire what a post hun. A big well done to you on your achievements and thanks a million for that link. :hugs: xxx