View Full Version : What is wrong with me?!

18-06-07, 17:18
Hello all.

Does anyone else here ever just want to scream "what is wrong with me?!" I want to scream that at my GP. That, or something like "if I'm not ill then why do I feel like this?!"

I went to her last week because I've been suffering (in sooo many ways) with symptoms that to me sound very much like those of a brain tumour. I have dizziness, ringing in my ears, pressure in my head and sinuses, a stiff, aching neck and a shaky feeling. The GP said they were anxiety-related and not caused by a brain tumour, but didn't suggest any tests to rule anything out. I've tried to ignore these symptoms, to accept them, to practise my CBT techniques, but they're not going away. I know they can be symptoms of anxiety but still a (not insignificant) part of me wonders why, if I'm not ill, I feel like this. What if something is really wrong? I'm scared... And so the internal dialogue continues.

Does anyone else get frustrated like this? Do you think, like I do, that if you didn't have the symptoms, you wouldn't feel anxious? How do you cope?! I know it's not feasible to have tests upon tests just to rule things out, but the fact remains that I leave my GP's office feeling exactly the same, and knowing that as long as I have the symptoms, I will worry.

I'm terrified it's something serious....should I insist that my GP sends me for tests? Or just keep living like this until I either get taken to A&E after a seizure or go mad from worry?!

I hope someone can help...I'm at a loss. Part of me just thinks, hurry up and do something serious so I can just get taken to hospital and get treated.


Thank you for taking the time to read this. It's helped just to put my feelings into words.



18-06-07, 17:51
Wow. I really could have written your post myself. I go from doctor to doctor, and nothing is ever wrong with me. I feel that they have stopped even paying attention to me, and just attribute everything to anxiety. I aboslutely HATE going to the doctor, it is really a phobia... But, because I feel so terrible all the time, I go. It just goes to show how sick I must feel, I hate going to the doctor, but I keep doing it because the ill feeling is just so unbearable. I have had all the same symptoms as you. The dizziness is really the worst. Then, I get sea sick and feel like I cant eat. I have the pressure in my head and ears as well. Its really miserable. While I do not have any profound advice... sometimes it is helpful to know that someone else is having the same exact symptoms. I always promised myself I will not freak out unless I have a symptoms that no one on this board has ever had.

18-06-07, 17:54
Thank you so much for replying to me - I in turn can identify totally with your experience.

"I always promised myself I will not freak out unless I have a symptoms that no one on this board has ever had"....now that is profound and something I will take away with me. Thank you!



19-06-07, 13:31
I know exactly how you feel Blackstar. It really is frustrating, and I can't accpet they're all anxiety. It's especially hard when some of the symptoms you're experiencing aren't those of classic anxiety, or you're not feeling anxious at the time of getting stupid symptoms. I've been to several doctors about various things, mainly my chest, but I just get brushed off being told it's anxiety. I haven't had the multitude of tests that many people seem to have had either, sometimes I think I would be ok if I had the tests and then they say again there's nothing wrong, but I'm not so sure.

Best wishes! :)

19-06-07, 22:58
yep i feel like this all the time. I know deep down its anxiety because if i find myself preocupied i dont feel sick. when i am bored or just wake up or going to bed i start to feel sick. So i think positive. If i were really sick than i would have felt bad while i was watching tv or while i was cleaning etc etc but its only when i think about it!!

the problem is i think about it all day and hardly get preoccupied so then i start thinking oh no what if i just developed a sickness today. what if i just came down with something? i ask myself this every day. Its like a never ending cycle

20-06-07, 10:10
I get everyone of those symptoms.Dizziness, ringing in my ears, pressure in my head and face, terrible stiffneck, always the same side, shaking and also blurred vision, aversion to bright lights. So many symptoms. Most of my body is affected but its mainly my head.

I have sort of accepted its anxiety, although i also feel i am having an allergic reaction to things, as my symptoms can come on so quickly after exposure to certain things i believe i am sensitive to.

Basically i dont know. And it is the not knowing which drives me crazy.

I dont believe it is anything life threatning as i have felt like this for so long and i am still here.

I just find it hard to accept that anxiety can manifest itself in such physical ways. I have always been anxious but have only had these symptoms for 6 years. What changed!


20-06-07, 12:16
Blackstar, I get those exact symptoms as well as stars in my eyes and headaches and nausea and all sorts and I had an MRI a month ago and my result came through totally normal so chances are IT IS ANXIETY and like you I just wish it would go away!

But there you go, you can feel the worse ever but it can just be caused by anxiety!

21-06-07, 13:21
I also could have written that first post myself. I feel exactly like that. I note what david said tho - normal scan results and still he feels the same. Take heart in the fact that GP's need to cover themselves and you, and if they don't feel any further investigations are necessary they genuinely believe it is 'only' anxiety. They would get their hands chopped off if they overlooked something!!

Thanks, Julie