View Full Version : really bad tooth pain after extraction

07-11-17, 11:53

7 days ago i had a bottom, back tooth out at hospital. tooth was decayed and had to be drilled out and had it stitched. everything was fine for a day and a half. i expected pain and expected the tooth next door to be bruised. but i was in a lot of pain and thought it would pass. i have had dry socket before and know the pain and the smell but still, i nipped in and saw my regular dentist as the pain was bad and taste was horrible. he said it wasn't dry socket and it had healed up nicely.
he gave me a mouthwash to use for 7 days.

pain was really bad that night and called hospital to tell them who said to come down and they would have a look. he also said it had healed up nicely and no redness, although my mouth outside was a bit swollen. he said it was the kind of pain he would expect as he took some bone out. he gave me a syringe and told me to use the same mouthwash and if it was still the same 7-14 days they would have me in again.

but the pain is still exactly the same. i have finished the antibiotics and am taking painkillers around the clock, ibuprofen, paracetamol with some codeine here and there. it takes the pain away for 4 and a half hours and its back and 6 days on its still the same pain.

it feels like someone has pushed a sharp knife in my gum and is pushing down, not so much a rotten taste and an the most annoying tingling in rest of bottom teeth and also the tooth next to the one that was pulled still 'feels' incredibly bruised and can't bite down on it.

surely i shouldn't STILL be in this amount of pain, as i said i expected pain but not still and the same level.

i must mention i have ATN on that side of mouth but this is not ATN pain.

should i phone hospital today and tell them im fed up with this? could it be an infection?
