View Full Version : Severe hypochondria taking over my life

07-11-17, 12:33
In the past month I've had a ct done on my head. 2 ecgs. 2 rounds of full blood work plus std, hepatitis, and cholesterol blood tests done. Everything came back great. Pristine as the doctor quoted it.

I can't shake these thoughts. I have this terrible ringing in my ears constantly. I get these random dizzy spells like my brain is lurching forwards without my body. I feel like I'm walking on a boat. I'm so scared this is a sign of something sinister.

I wish I could just accept the doctors words but these feelings are real. I have the feelings and then it triggers the attacks.

Does anyone else have these problems or problems with accepting their doctors words? I'm really a mess here. It's consuming my whole life. I can't find a positive thought. :( I'm so scared.

07-11-17, 13:04
I think, if you have a look around, you will find lots of people who struggle with accepting their doctor's words. I have been there myself throughout my life. I felt so validated when I found this website and saw I wasn't alone in how I was feeling.

Have you sought any help for this? Does your doctor know you are struggling?

07-11-17, 13:31
I get these random dizzy spells like my brain is lurching forwards without my body. I feel like I'm walking on a boat.

That *could* be labyrinthitis, Sassy.

See a doctor about those symptoms if you haven't.

07-11-17, 14:45
Could possibly be a inner ear issue? Maybe you have a little fluid around your eardrum or something simple. Maybe you could ask to see an ENT.

07-11-17, 20:43
Doctor diagnosed with bppv. But from my reading bppv comes and goes it's not constant. I'm just super worried. I know it's silly. Since all the tests have come back perfect. Just ugh. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond everyone.

07-11-17, 21:10
I wish I could just accept the doctors words but these feelings are real. I have the feelings and then it triggers the attacks.

Does anyone else have these problems or problems with accepting their doctors words? I'm really a mess here. It's consuming my whole life. I can't find a positive thought. :( I'm so scared.

YES! I will guess many of us have felt the same way! It is a terrible feeling , right!. You are not alone.

There is a health anxiety "workbook" online I found somewhere last year. It has modules you go through. I found it helped a little... Also a relaxation app and yoga class. Also, find someone you care about that you can share your feelings with. Have you sought out a mental health professional?