View Full Version : Menstrual issues

18-06-07, 17:22
Hello again,

Apologies for spamming but I thought I'd best keep this period-related thread separate from my other.

Does anyone know how anxiety affects periods? I keep bleeding randomly between periods and it's very worrying, especially as I am usually so regular.

What if it's not anxiety? What if it's something serious and hormone-related that is causing my anxious feelings? (very chicken-and-egg).

I'd appreciate any advice from the ladies on the forum.

Many thanks!


18-06-07, 17:46
Hi Blackstar-interesting post! I'm pretty sure some spotting between periods is pretty normal and nothing to worry about. I read a really interesting article in one of the weekend supplements about a condition called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder which is basically an intense form of PMS. Here's some info I found. Symptoms include:

Very depressed mood, feeling hopeless
Marked anxiety, tension, edginess
Sudden mood shifts (crying easily, extreme sensitivity)
Persistent, marked irritability, anger, increased conflicts
Loss of interest in usual activities work, school, socializing
Difficulty concentrating and staying focused
Fatigue, tiredness, loss of energy
Marked appetite change, overeating, food cravings
Insomnia (difficulty sleeping) or sleeping too much
Feeling out of control or overwhelmed
Physical symptoms such as weight gain, bloating, breast tenderness or swelling, headache, and muscle or joint aches and pains*Adapted from Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision, 1994 with permission from the American Psychiatric Association
There is more to making the diagnosis of PMDD than just the symptoms. For example, the symptoms must be linked to the menstrual cycle -- appear in the premenstrual phase, improve or disappear when menses begins or shortly thereafter and be absent in the week following menses. Also, if the symptoms are relatively mild the diagnosis is not made. The premenstrual symptoms have to be severe enough to interfere markedly with relationships, work, school, or social activities.

I'm sorry if this has made you panic-please don't think I'm saying you might have this condition!!! However, it is easily treatable.

Anyhow, I've found Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin B6 really helpful for the extra anxiety that rears its ugly head around the time of my period.

18-06-07, 17:49
Hi again,
I've just read one of your other posts and realised you suffer from health anxiety. I hope I haven't caused any unnecessary distress by the above post-I wouldn't have included that stuff on PMDD if I had known.
Sarah x

18-06-07, 17:58
Bless you!

Please, don't apologise - it was kind of you to take time to reply to me and with such an interesting subject. You haven't increased my anxiety, I promise!

I thought about the PMDD after reading your post but am not sure that the other symptoms are there, at least not to the sort of degree that the article states. Still it's something to mention to the GP if (when?!) I go back... :)

Thank you again, I do appreciate your concern and help.
