View Full Version : Depressed, miserable and low

07-11-17, 16:38
I've been going through bad anxiety since the summer. To cut a long story short I did 6 weeks on Sertraline and felt more depressed and exhausted. Since I stopped taking it I've had fatigue and anxiety every day. I just feel so exhausted by everything. Most days at work I feel like I'm going to collapse or pass out. My head is constantly in a fog. I am very afraid of CFS/ ME and am now terrified I have this. I can't honestly believe that anxiety can make you feel this bad. I feel like I must have CFS. Since coming off Sertraline I'm now getting dizziness and flu like feelings. I just feel like giving up. Every day is such a struggle. I have a great life. I have nothing to be depressed about, I just feel to sick and low to enjoy it.

07-11-17, 16:57
The Dr suggested that I go back on prozac which has worked for me in the past. I just want to get Sertraline completely out of my system as I had such a rough time with it. I guess I'm also, if I'm totally honest, a little scared of taking it because I feel like if it doesn't work which the Sertraline didn't, it will mean I actually have ME and not just depression / anxiety. Writing that down I realise how insane it sounds.

07-11-17, 17:04
Yes, I've started weekly therapy. It's helping a bit already and I feel that it really will help as I think I've found a good therapist but I also know it's a long process and the week between sessions seems like forever when I'm feeling so rubbish.

07-11-17, 17:13
As Dave said, you're doing the right things. My daughter had a rough go of it concerning meds but they finally found one that works and that, along with therapy really helped her. She's doing great now :) Hang in there... it'll get better.

Positive thoughts