View Full Version : Question about spotting for Peri and post menopausal women about my wife

07-11-17, 17:23
Hey guys, not too concerned, (all right, maybe a little). My wife is 44 and in the throws of perimenopause. We have crappy OBGYNs around here who are mostly older men who have no patience or grace in helping her understand anything about what she is going through. They seem to provide excellent prenatal care, but when it comes to women trying to navigate the throes of menopause, they could care less.

She is reluctant to look things up online, and just muddles through it. I am reluctant to look things up online because all roads lead to cancer and certain death. ;-)

So my question is, she has SUPER irregular periods, which she understands is to be expected. But the other issue she has, which I can tell makes her a little nervous, is sometime she will have her period, then it will seem to stop, and two days later she will spot or bleed, and that might last a couple of days, then stop for a day. She has had a CT scan, which said she had an ovarian cyst, but nothing else showed.

My question is, are all rules off for this spotting? I mean, she is not overly concerned, but she is just looking for experience, and I thought I would ask people who have been through it the only place I know where I can ask health questions and people will understand without it leading me down a dark road too.

When is spotting to be looked into more seriously? Is it normal in peri to spot for a week after when your period should be done? Are rules simply no longer applicable to spotting etc when going through peri? She is so eager to just be done with it all, but was told by her last OB that peri can last even as long as 10 years. She was not super excited to hear that.

07-11-17, 17:28
My wife is in the throes of menopause. During the "pre" stage, it was much the same as you describe. All normal and there really is no normal when it comes to it anyway. It's different and similar for most women. Like you said, rules don't apply :winks:

Positive thoughts

07-11-17, 17:40
Everything goes bananas. For peace of mind, she could have a pelvic exam with ultrasound. That's what my doctor suggested for me when I started getting really bad cramping

07-11-17, 17:46
I'm 43 and going through the peri-/pre- stage too. My periodsare all over the place. I've had similar spotting to your wife a couple of months, then one really heavy period and one really light one. Similar variation in period cramps. Oh, they're also completely irregular, so I only recognise PMS after the event! A joy for my partner. I wouldn't worry unless there's any unusual pain or other symptoms of anything else that concern her. If it's just variations in periods then I think it's to be expected unfortunately.

07-11-17, 19:27
This is a great question. I'm wondering about symptoms as well. I'm 42 periods bang on regular but I've always had heavy clotty bleeding and now there's hardly any clots so in general it's much lighter. I'm wondering if my brownish discharge that I get every 10 days for a week or so is the clots which I'm not passing in my normal period. Too much info I know but I'd be interested to hear other ladies experiences and symptoms .