View Full Version : DESPERATE to beat health anxiety

07-11-17, 19:41
I have terrible health anxiety, it took me months to admit this to myself. Slowly, over the past few months it's gotten to a point where it occupies my thoughts 24/7. I used to be able to go for a few weeks without any worries but now there is no escape. I can feel my mental health deteriorating.

I just wanted to know if anyone has any tips for beating this? I'm on a 3 month waiting list for CBT :weep: I don't want to waste my life feeling like this. I'm 22, in university and have an amazing boyfriend and family. My life is great in all other aspects but this anxiety is starting to take over my life.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I hate this illness :mad:

07-11-17, 19:49
The best help is the help you give yourself! http://cbt4panic.org/

It's free...

Positive thoughts

07-11-17, 20:39
Thank you! Reading now :)

07-11-17, 20:54
Mind you, not all of it applies but there's a lot there that will help if you put in the effort :)

Positive thoughts

07-11-17, 20:58
It will definitely be of some use! Much appreciated

07-11-17, 21:05
For me, antidepressants help. I still get the "what if" thoughts, but they don't bother me as much and I am able to stay more positive and not enter into the downward spiral of HA. A therapist or psychiatrist is a good resource. I also find that physical activity helps, even though I don't feel like doing it. A 20 minute walk each day (preferably outdoors), and low impact yoga class. I found that it always gets better, even though it never feels like it will. I have dealt with this for all my my 46 years on earth. Take care.

07-11-17, 21:22
For me, antidepressants help. I still get the "what if" thoughts, but they don't bother me as much and I am able to stay more positive and not enter into the downward spiral of HA. A therapist or psychiatrist is a good resource. I also find that physical activity helps, even though I don't feel like doing it. A 20 minute walk each day (preferably outdoors), and low impact yoga class. I found that it always gets better, even though it never feels like it will. I have dealt with this for all my my 46 years on earth. Take care.

Thank you so much, I do think exercise helps!
So sorry that you have been struggling with this for so long. I hope it gets much better for you :hugs:

08-11-17, 00:40
I don't have much advice as you're already doing so many good steps.

But I have commented on a few of your breast posts etc and I am so glad you're trying to beat this and making a effort too.

You're 22 my best advice would be to just try to enjoy it. I always say what happens if you get to 89 and you sit and your chair and wonder back to these years of unnecessary worry, will you regret it?

Is there a counsellor or someone at your university you could speak too?

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08-11-17, 10:00
Yes, I always think that. I never want to look back and think "oh all that time I wasted being miserable for nothing!"

We do have university counsellors actually, I just don't really know anything about the referral process but I will look into that.

The only thing I can do is tell myself to stop thinking about negative things as soon as any bad thoughts enter my mind! It helps a bit. I also try telling myself out loud that I'm healthy and should be thankful for it as there are many people in the world who are really suffering

08-11-17, 13:03
Good on you, I really hope you manage to overcome health anxiety at your ages the odds are in your favour for good health.

Take care and enjoy university(I'm slightly jealous as Ive only been to university when I played sims 3)

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08-11-17, 13:09
I've been a health anxiety sufferer for a long time ... it comes and goes for me now, but isn't as bad as it used to be. For me, I needed a combination of meds and therapy as mine can get pretty obsessive and the meds help to slow that process down a little so that I can use what I have learned in therapy. If you are motivated, which it sure seems like you are, you can do this! :)

08-11-17, 16:27
Good on you, I really hope you manage to overcome health anxiety at your ages the odds are in your favour for good health.

Take care and enjoy university(I'm slightly jealous as Ive only been to university when I played sims 3)

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Thank you Ellie!

Haha, don't be jealous, it's a lot of work!


---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

I've been a health anxiety sufferer for a long time ... it comes and goes for me now, but isn't as bad as it used to be. For me, I needed a combination of meds and therapy as mine can get pretty obsessive and the meds help to slow that process down a little so that I can use what I have learned in therapy. If you are motivated, which it sure seems like you are, you can do this! :)

Thank you! I'm hoping that I can beat this without medication, but I do realise that it is necessary for a lot of people (maybe even myself!). I'm just determined to get back to my old self. I turned 22 last week and spent the day at home worrying about imaginary illness! It has to stop :)