View Full Version : This can't just be tension?!?

07-11-17, 19:50
Is anyone else extremely tight from their shoulder blades up to their neck and head to the point where it isn't necessarily painful but just extremely uncomfortable having you feel like your head is stuck? Could this cause dizziness and is it really just an anxiety symptom?!

07-11-17, 20:02
Hi sorry your feeling like this I have had tension for years and muscle tension is terrible and can cause all sorts of aches and pains. Had a tension headache also constant for 8 months thank god it's passed I am now aware when my muscles are tense and I try to relax them deep breathing helps hope you feel better soon

07-11-17, 20:10
This can't just be tension?!?

Why not? Stress causes tension, tension causes pain.

Positive thoughts

07-11-17, 20:12
Anyone here jerk their head to kind of release the tension?

07-11-17, 21:00
I have constant tension. Lately I feel like the skin on my head is too tight. I also tilt and jerk my head alot. I am afraid people think I have terrets (sp) . My husband used a massager on my neck the other morning and I got a bad case of vertigo that last about an hour and a half. Now I don't want to mess with my neck too much.

08-11-17, 00:35
That can absolutely be tension. I get tension so bad I can barely move, my shoulder seizes up, extreme pain, headaches, tight jaw, the list goes on, all from stress...