View Full Version : Strain back right side of head

07-11-17, 20:38
I seem to always get head strain pain on the back right side of my head that is sometimes triggered by bending over of coughing. I get a lot of other sensations around this by shooting pains in my head and stiff necks.

Does anyone else get this? Is this muscle tension? This does worry me allot but I am of course a sufferer of generalized anxiety.

08-11-17, 12:17
I get the same, I have pain in back of my head where the spinal meet the skull, sometimes left side, sometimes right side

08-11-17, 13:38
Yep, happens to me a lot. I have a lot of neck muscle problems.

09-11-17, 11:42
Do any of you get any throat or visual problems with this to?

09-11-17, 13:21
Yes, when it gets bad I have had pain when swallowing and blurry vision.

09-11-17, 13:40
Same but sometimes my pain in my head goes higher up and it stains when i laugh or bend over.