View Full Version : Feel like I'm dying

08-11-17, 03:16
I've suffered from health anxiety for years now but have been in control for the past few years until recently due to getting sick. I've just come back from a great weeks holiday back home and started feeling unwell with a constant migrane which made me start to panick. The last few days I've been weak and still have a pressure migrane which makes me feel light headed. With a constant brain fog and weak knees. I haven't been able to sleep properly in the last 2 days which isn't helping. I've just googled symptoms of last days of life as I'm so convinced I'm dying. I'm not anxious as such with shakes etc just weak and unable to sleep. Don't know how to stop the constant thinking of dying in my head. Can anyone help?

08-11-17, 03:58
With all due respect, googling symptoms of last day of life probably isn't helping.

It sounds like pretty typical anxiety symptoms. If you can reduce the negative thoughts (easier said than done, I know) many of the physical symptoms will go away as well.

I know. But when you have health anxiety it's the first thing I do anyways.
I'm try to get the thoughts out of my head but with lack of sleep and constant brain fog ATM I can't. I've even called in sick to work tomorrow.

08-11-17, 10:12
Hey, I can relate. Health anxiety can be so debilitating and I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. As Dave says, googling is the worst thing someone with health anxiety can do, and if you can resist the urge to do this (no matter how strong it is), it will really help in time. Your symptoms definitely sound very typical of anxiety and lack of sleep will always increase negative thoughts.

My doctor told me that as a younger man, he thought he had a brain tumour. He was so convinced of this that he developed several very serious symptoms which left him unable to function. The mind can be so powerful.

Like you, my latest episode of health anxiety started when I had some unexplained symptoms. The symptoms got worse, I googled them, I developed new symptoms (that I'd read about), and I'm still experiencing a lot of anxiety over this....so horrible.

I really hope you're feeling calmer today and I hope that this helps in some way :) Let us know how you're doing.


08-11-17, 13:50
Hey, I can relate. Health anxiety can be so debilitating and I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. As Dave says, googling is the worst thing someone with health anxiety can do, and if you can resist the urge to do this (no matter how strong it is), it will really help in time. Your symptoms definitely sound very typical of anxiety and lack of sleep will always increase negative thoughts.

My doctor told me that as a younger man, he thought he had a brain tumour. He was so convinced of this that he developed several very serious symptoms which left him unable to function. The mind can be so powerful.

Like you, my latest episode of health anxiety started when I had some unexplained symptoms. The symptoms got worse, I googled them, I developed new symptoms (that I'd read about), and I'm still experiencing a lot of anxiety over this....so horrible.

I really hope you're feeling calmer today and I hope that this helps in some way :) Let us know how you're doing.


Yeah the brain can be so powerful. I've been there before where I've thought I've had a serious illness and more symptoms would appear after googling them. I've called into work sick today and possibly tomorrow and the light head and brain fog is just too much to try and concentrate. Feel like I've pressure all over my head ATM which is annoying and making me panick.

08-11-17, 14:29
You aren't dying for sure you need to get your HA under control go and see your dr and ask for help wether is therapy or meds or both if you don't your problem wont go away fact :) Good luck and let us know how you get on please ATB

08-11-17, 15:05
hey usually when I feel weak and anxious I listen to binaural beats on YouTube, you can find them for literally ANY anxiety symptom. it really helps me to just calm down and release all of my muscles from tension.

08-11-17, 15:30
That sounds really interesting Jiminie - I think I'll give it a go :-)