View Full Version : Stubborn heartburn?

08-11-17, 10:44
Last night before bed I had a pain in my back, that moved into my chest. It was more of a super hot feeling that then expanded my whole chest/in my stomach and down both arms. It wasn’t pain, just heat.

I had something similar like this about 5 years ago and called an ambulance - it was heartburn then as well.

My issue this time is that I have since gone to bed and woke Up and it’s still doing it. I’ve taken my nexium and tums and though it’s helping it’s not making it go completely away.

Aside from that I have no chest pain, shortness of breath, clammy skin, etc.

I do also have gallstones which might also be aggravating that area as well?

Tho logically I know it’s probably not a heart attack but I still have that bagging HA in the back of my mind that’s thinking th ultimate worst.

Anyone else experience this?

08-11-17, 11:15
Heartburn is so horrible. I can get it at times and it travels between chest and stomach. I think as we become anxious about it the symptoms increase too 😫

I would mention it to your gp, describing how it has affected you. We can buy heartburn meds over the counter but maybe he/she has something that will hit the problem quicker.....or mention it to the pharmisict by phone or visit, they are really good at advising too...
I’m sorry it’s making you so anxious.

08-11-17, 11:39
You’re right about the symptoms becoming worse while anxious.

I have no other distress other than the burn so that’s helping keep me kinda calm. I also remember last year I had really bad heart burn and went to a doctor and it ended up being strep throat (weird I know).

I wish all the stuff I knew logically - like that it’s not a heart attack in hiding - was stronger than the anxiety.