View Full Version : Head injury

08-11-17, 16:41
Ok freaking out!!!

We have a door in the lounge that come of the hinges so is just placed against the wall until we get someone in to fix it.

Anyway I was hoovering the floor and obviously bending down and the wire must have nudged the door as next thing I know the door fell on my head!!!!

On the top left part and it's now got a lump and I'm freaking the hell out

Could this have done me some damaged??? It's sore now but not in loads of pain, but it's sore to touch and my head is throbbing a little

08-11-17, 16:52
Ok but surely a door falling on my head is bad???

08-11-17, 16:53
If you'd been knocked out and received concussion then it would be serious enough to go to A&E. If you've just got a headache, without dizziness or balance problems etc, then it's nothing to worry about. Lump should go in couple of days.

08-11-17, 17:00
No I didn't get knocked out I just shouted f**k ���� and was like what the hell was that!!!
I don't feel dizzy and I can walk fine

It just freaks me out anything to do with heads ����

I'm guessing at 4??? ���� I keep telling myself it's all ok but then I'm like oh gosh a door had just fell on my head.

I just keep getting a sharp pain in my head now too

08-11-17, 17:11
I'm good st reading minds haha

I've got an ice pack on but don't take painkillers.

08-11-17, 17:13
In the nicest possible way, you're going to have to do some of the work yourself here. All anyone's going to tell you here is that you have nothing to worry about. And they're right, of course. But you have to put some work in on accepting that. The skull is there to protect you when you bang your head. In almost all cases of people banging their head, it does this job brilliantly. Concussion can occur with knocks to the head, but it would be very noticeable that something was wrong, as has been explained here by others. Place some faith in your skull, and take painkillers if you're sore. You'll be fine, though.

08-11-17, 17:41
I have been doing really well at reassuring myself over things recently. I just thought a heavy door falling on my head wasn't great.

08-11-17, 18:13
Yeah, it's definitely better not to let a heavy door hit your head if you can avoid it. But it's also better not to stub your toe or bite your tongue. The point is that, based on what you've described, you aren't in any danger and, although you may have injured yourself in some way, it will heal itself.

08-11-17, 18:34
I feel silly now :doh:

My friend banged their head at work the other day really hard on a metal pole, I couldn't breath for laughing. Wish I had the same reaction when it happens to myself haha :roflmao:

09-11-17, 11:45
Ok so today I have a really weird head ache. Would this be normal or just a coincidence???

09-11-17, 13:10
Stress caused your headache today girl! Think about how you probably tensed your muscles and didn't even know it.

09-11-17, 17:05
My headache has gone now. Why do I always think the worse even though in my head I know I over react:mad:

09-11-17, 17:11
Because your amydalae trigger a fear response that you give way too much credit to.