View Full Version : Hallucinations??

08-11-17, 18:14
Hi everyone,
For the last week I experienced weird illusions twice. 1st one look like flashlights reflecting on the door and I looked around and there was no source and yesterday was another one that looked like light was moving in our communal yard. I thought maybe it was someone with a flashlight or maybe someone driving a bike so I looked in the window and it was quite and dark on the street. So it really scared me. Both time were in the middle of the night when I woke up to feed my baby.
I'm having on and off panic attacks since my c section 4 month ago which I believe are results of my constant healthy anxiety. I also sleep like 7-8 hours but wake up every 2-3 hours to feed my baby. So I don't know whether it is considered as sleep deprivation that could cause these illusions. So I started to think that I'm developing psychosis or schizophrenia :(((
Is this how it starting?
I had MRI, ekg, ultrasound, neurological tests, eye test and all possible blood work about 1,5-2 month ago. I also been test if I had ppd which my go believe I have not. Well except my health anxiety I can say I'm happy and fun person. But these new illusion symptoms just wrecked me. Sorry for my bad English and thank you all in advance

08-11-17, 18:45
Thank you. I thought the same after it happenf 1st time. After the second time I googled symptoms and it showed really scary stuff. I just want to make sure I'm not going to get crazy and if I am to get help before it gets really bad, but I think my gp will just kick me out of the surgery as he is fed up with my constant health symptoms :| so I don't know if I should go to the doctors. But I'm a bit relieved after you reply. Thank you