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08-11-17, 18:57
Feeling p****d off after watching the news and the amount of people homeless in this country and rising !!! Feel so mad �� that they, the powers that be ,don’t sort it out .....it’s freezing out there tonight, no one should be sleeping on the streets if they do not wish to grrrrrrrrrrrrr

08-11-17, 21:38

Totally agree with you, something is very wrong with modern Britain. When people with jobs are having to use food banks and homelessness is on the rise. A lot of people are being left behind and there's growing resentment against the system. Sooner or later there will be a reaction against the powers that be and it won't be pretty.

08-11-17, 22:23
Yes hollow, agree.
I know how mad I feel about it, and I am certain I’m not the minority ...

It disgusts me !

Since 2010 homelessness increased by 134% :weep:

09-11-17, 02:21
Where I live we have tent cities strung a long the banks of one of our rivers because people have no where else to go. They would rather than stay there than at shelters because at least then they have privacy and they feel safer. Something is indeed wrong with the systems.

09-11-17, 02:48
Where I live we have tent cities strung a long the banks of one of our rivers because people have no where else to go. They would rather than stay there than at shelters because at least then they have privacy and they feel safer. Something is indeed wrong with the systems.

I saw a documentary about one of those. There was a sense of community that you just wouldn't get at an official place where not everyone will respect each other.

It reminds me of the John Carpenter film They Live.

In London we have loads of ex services personnel living on the streets. I my city they wanted to purchase rows of housing so they can buy cheap housing as they come back with nothing if they haven't family to move back in with. It's the downside of living in barracks. They wanted to buy up rows due for demolition on the cheap to offer it cheap, I can't remember what happened with it.

09-11-17, 16:37
Here's an interesting fact I just read:

Gates, Bezos, and Buffett have more money than the poorest half of the US population. All liberals btw.


09-11-17, 20:45
The rich get richer the poor get poorer , greeeeed . There are billionaires buying houses they will never use while people live in boxes , one day the poor will take back from the greedy rich to readdress the balance .
Shame we don't have any guns for the revolution eh noivous , wink wink :doh:

10-11-17, 01:07
The rich get richer the poor get poorer , greeeeed . The billionaires buying houses they will never use while people live in boxes , one day the poor will take back from the greedy rich to readdress the balance .
Shame we don't have any guns for the revolution eh noivous , wink wink :doh:

Hahaha! Very good B70!

Think about that though...3...as in 3!! Americans have more money than over 150 million Americans. It boggles the mind:wacko:

---------- Post added at 01:07 ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 ----------

The only thing I'll say about the homeless is that it is quite complicated. Not all the time or anything but I fairly regularly will offer a homeless person a ride to a shelter and believe it or not most of the time they say no. They are not all the same and are out on the streets for many different reasons. God help them.


10-11-17, 01:19
And then there is the great hoarded wealth of the church...

10-11-17, 03:15
I went on a bike run earlier in the year to raise money for tent swags for the homeless,these swags are weather proof and the design of them is a back pack they are Aussie made.
We managed too buy 20.It might not sound a lot but that is 20 people we left grateful and smiling.

There is another run before Xmas and hope to raise even more.

Don't get me started on the fecking churches.

10-11-17, 04:40
I went on a bike run earlier in the year to raise money for tent swags for the homeless,these swags are weather proof and the design of them is a back pack they are Aussie made.
We managed too buy 20.It might not sound a lot but that is 20 people we left grateful and smiling.

There is another run before Xmas and hope to raise even more.

Don't get me started on the fecking churches.

Well done, Lola!!! :yesyes::yahoo:

That's 20 more than they had and I'm sure they are helping.

At this time of the year we start to see The Salvation Army popping up on adverts and performing their brass bands all over the UK. They do lots for the homeless too.

It's sad that we have ex service men & women, many with PTSD according to the charity collecting around her a couple of years back, after what they & their mates have given.

---------- Post added at 04:40 ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 ----------

Hahaha! Very good B70!

Think about that though...3...as in 3!! Americans have more money than over 150 million Americans. It boggles the mind:wacko:

---------- Post added at 01:07 ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 ----------

The only thing I'll say about the homeless is that it is quite complicated. Not all the time or anything but I fairly regularly will offer a homeless person a ride to a shelter and believe it or not most of the time they say no. They are not all the same and are out on the streets for many different reasons. God help them.


Did you see this madness?


It seems a relevant issue to this thread considering the charities helping ex service personnel homeless on the streets of London. And all our other homeless for that matter! These lists are a struggle. People get evicted from their houses due to debt or other circumstances and unless you have kids or at risk yourself, an adult is shit out of luck on these lists...yet now we can bump up these idiots!


10-11-17, 07:45
Well for my own personal church we do support medical mercy ships and medical missions to South America. We support an office for young unwed mom's seeking assistance. And there is a volunteer wing that does a ton of things for the poor. We take in foster children from troubled homes. The pastor drives a Ford Fusion and lives in a modest home. It's too easy to stand on the sidelines and take pock shots. A lot of great churches out there. Thank God.

10-11-17, 07:52
I went on a bike run earlier in the year to raise money for tent swags for the homeless,these swags are weather proof and the design of them is a back pack they are Aussie made.
We managed too buy 20.It might not sound a lot but that is 20 people we left grateful and smiling.

There is another run before Xmas and hope to raise even more.

Don't get me started on the fecking churches.

Brilliant Lola!
Good on you xxx

10-11-17, 08:36
And then there is the great hoarded wealth of the church...

You can say that again Terry. So much for letting charity begin at home ?
I am in no way religious, but once attended a wedding in a Catholic church and was shocked by the OTT splendor inside. Having read Angela´s ashes, seen films about that religion and heard from Catholics how pennies were scraped together to buy a carpet for the church when the families providing those pennies had nothing more than lino if they were lucky ( that was going back a few years) it made me sick to think that all the lavishness had been provided by folk who sometimes didn´t even have the price of a loaf of bread.

10-11-17, 08:47
Brilliant Lola!
Good on you xxx

Yes I second that Lola!:yesyes:

---------- Post added at 08:47 ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 ----------

You can say that again Terry. So much for letting charity begin at home ?
I am in no way religious, but once attended a wedding in a Catholic church and was shocked by the OTT splendor inside. Having read Angela´s ashes, seen films about that religion and heard from Catholics how pennies were scraped together to buy a carpet for the church when the families providing those pennies had nothing more than lino if they were lucky ( that was going back a few years) it made me sick to think that all the lavishness had been provided by folk who sometimes didn´t even have the price of a loaf of bread.

"Once attended a wedding"? Once? And that's it you saw some nice things and now the church is evil?

Have you ever read Old Testament Scripture and how God commanded the churches be built? Gold inlay and such. People often think "money is the root of all evil" thats a misquote. Its "the love of money is the root of all evil".


10-11-17, 22:13
The church in this country are one of the biggest land and property owners and want to keep it that way , their reputation isn't great right now covering up for pervert priests and not giving enough to the needy and homeless , I did try to find the bible in the local library but the fiction section was closed , being dyslexic I took home a book of dog instead , I'm
Still on the fence with religion and open to offers I might give Scientology a go they have nice churches , for now I'll stick with humanist , I treat my fellow man the way I'd like to be treated I've stepped up in the past and saved lives and hope in my present mental state I still would / could , if I see a homeless man which I do regularly I don't ignore them or treat like they are invisible, believe it or not some don't want taking to a shelter full of psychos or dragging into our crappy society they want to opt out , I know chap who's lived rough for thirty years that's the way he wants it , any of us can find ourselves in that position.

10-11-17, 22:29
I agree that many "homeless" people choose to live that way. It's opting out of a society they see as modern day slavery. They are cold and often hungry but have no bills to pay, no boss breathing down their necks, no mortgage to worry about, no car loan to pay off...

But all that is no excuse to not offer help and to respect their decision of opting out of society. Thousands of churches lie empty and dark at night. They should open their doors, not just offer words of comfort, which we can all do.

It is a very sad reflection of the selfish culture we have created.

10-11-17, 22:55
Feeling p****d off after watching the news and the amount of people homeless in this country and rising !!! Feel so mad �� that they, the powers that be ,don’t sort it out .....it’s freezing out there tonight, no one should be sleeping on the streets if they do not wish to grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Did say in original post
No one should be sleeping on the streets if they do not wish to. For some I realise this is not the case...they choose it and have that right ...the guys I spoke to didn’t wish to be in the streets, circumstances had put them there...yes it could happen to any one of us..

From my observations some churches do try to help, although not enough in my humble opinion....I’m dissilusioned with churches, particularly the Christian church I did belong to.and had a lot of experience with, I no longer go....A clique of rather self centred people I’m afraid to say...I realise that is one church and one lot of people but still the experience doesn’t leave one feeling very good....😩😡

11-11-17, 01:39
Opting out is different to being forced into homelessness. If they want to live that way, you take what comes with it - with the bull you get the horns. Not all of them come from poor backgrounds :winks:

There's no point dragging them to shelters, let them be as they want to be. But the ones that invade empty properties and cause damage and another matter...

I suspect the reason churches are shut over here is often for the same sad reasons they need to put bars over their windows. Not sure if it's the same everywhere but it's rare to see a church around my way with barred windows to prevent stone throwing.

---------- Post added at 01:37 ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 ----------

Still on the fence with religion and open to offers I might give Scientology a go they have nice churches ,

Well with all those celebrities on the books, they should do!

And only a church to get out of paying their share of tax...:whistles:

---------- Post added at 01:39 ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 ----------

Well for my own personal church we do support medical mercy ships and medical missions to South America. We support an office for young unwed mom's seeking assistance. And there is a volunteer wing that does a ton of things for the poor. We take in foster children from troubled homes. The pastor drives a Ford Fusion and lives in a modest home. It's too easy to stand on the sidelines and take pock shots. A lot of great churches out there. Thank God.

I think you are highlighting the differences. And the differences between big & small church. Scrimping small church trying to help the local community vs. bloated land owner with treasures galore that could solve a lot of problems if they flogged them off. :winks:

I thik it's great your local church do so much. I'm not sure that's reflected everywhere though, it seems a lot less over here but that might just be my perception. :shrug:

11-11-17, 14:40
Ah yes...certainly there are those who's church is the Chase Manhattan Bank...both religious and secular.

I belong to no organized religion...no denomination. I'm a Christian.

11-11-17, 19:34
Did say in original post
No one should be sleeping on the streets if they do not wish to. For some I realise this is not the case...they choose it and have that right ...the guys I spoke to didn’t wish to be in the streets, circumstances had put them there...yes it could happen to any one of us..

From my observations some churches do try to help, although not enough in my humble opinion....I’m dissilusioned with churches, particularly the Christian church I did belong to.and had a lot of experience with, I no longer go....A clique of rather self centred people I’m afraid to say...I realise that is one church and one lot of people but still the experience doesn’t leave one feeling very good....😩😡

In terms of those "forced" into homelessness, I agree that this should not happen in a "civilised" and developed country such as the UK, but with the gross inequality in society, it's not surprising that even working people are being made homeless through no fault of their own, while so many properties lie empty and unused, including many churches. I hear of some churches working, in many cases, behind the scenes to help and support especially young people being made homeless, but I still don't think it's enough personally.

11-11-17, 19:48
Somthing I have noticed recently is people trying to demonise the homeless , a chap I know became homeless by having his boat confiscated by the waterways because he was vulnerable and junkies were hanging around him so they had him arrested on a bullshit charge and took his boat leaving him without a home , I tried ringing and arguing with them but they were adamant he wasn't getting it back , he lived on the street for sometime and in a tent , it was then I saw a thread on Facebook with people saying he was really loaded and lived in a house boat or a lodge , it sent my anxiety sky high but I ripped into them for making stuff up to ease their own conscience worst thing I knew one of them , another case a few weeks back a woman I was talking to said she gave a homeless man a pound but wished she hadn't because he spent it on special brew , I said how do you know what he spent it on and she said she saw cans on the bench the next day , I pointed out they could have been anyone's and she was just demonising him because he was homeless he could have given it to charity for all she knew , she didn't like what I'd said but then her husband popped in with she didn't have a f&@king clue what he'd spent it on , it kills me to say these things but they need saying somtimes .
Oh and my new small bug and I could be way off the mark are the MPs and councillors who camp out for a night to highlight homelessness, in a brand new sleeping bag with hot drinks and the safety of a group , try sleeping in a doorway alone in a damp sleeping bag while some p&@sed up t&@t thinks it's clever to p&@s on you or set fire to your belongings ( that happened recently and it was two women one pis@ed the other set fire , they got locked up for arson , I laughed my socks off ) , ok rant over , almost ,,, has anyone else noticed it's quite common of us anxiety sufferers to want to try and help the weak and vulnerable instead of stepping over them , probably why a lot on here have taken in unwanted pets , I spent this morning on the beach with our three rescue dogs .
I'm going on now and probably talking cr&p so I'll shut up and sod off .
Take care :D

11-11-17, 21:02
Many years ago - probably around 25 - I was out for a night of partying with some friends. It was a very very cold night. We were all well and appropriately dressed for the evening. As we were going from bar to bar we stopped in this large common area where lots of people would gather to watch various festivities. As we were standing there someone in our group made a joke about a homeless man about 20 feet away. I looked over and saw this relatively young man shivering like mad as he pulled a discarded slice of pizza from a garbage can and ate it. I was struck by the scene. I just stared and stared. I had a very warm down jacket on. I wanted to give it to him. He was only wearing a single shirt...long sleeved collared. I didn't need my jacket. I wanted to give it to him. But I didn't. Why? I don't know. It would have helped both of us if I did. I have regretted it since that day. That jacket is long gone now.


13-11-17, 09:41
I feel very sad too about homeless people, and animals too actually.

08-12-17, 08:54
Somthing I have noticed recently is people trying to demonise the homeless , a chap I know became homeless by having his boat confiscated by the waterways because he was vulnerable and junkies were hanging around him so they had him arrested on a bullshit charge and took his boat leaving him without a home , I tried ringing and arguing with them but they were adamant he wasn't getting it back , he lived on the street for sometime and in a tent , it was then I saw a thread on Facebook with people saying he was really loaded and lived in a house boat or a lodge , it sent my anxiety sky high but I ripped into them for making stuff up to ease their own conscience worst thing I knew one of them , another case a few weeks back a woman I was talking to said she gave a homeless man a pound but wished she hadn't because he spent it on special brew , I said how do you know what he spent it on and she said she saw cans on the bench the next day , I pointed out they could have been anyone's and she was just demonising him because he was homeless he could have given it to charity for all she knew , she didn't like what I'd said but then her husband popped in with she didn't have a f&@king clue what he'd spent it on , it kills me to say these things but they need saying somtimes .
Oh and my new small bug and I could be way off the mark are the MPs and councillors who camp out for a night to highlight homelessness, in a brand new sleeping bag with hot drinks and the safety of a group , try sleeping in a doorway alone in a damp sleeping bag while some p&@sed up t&@t thinks it's clever to p&@s on you or set fire to your belongings ( that happened recently and it was two women one pis@ed the other set fire , they got locked up for arson , I laughed my socks off ) , ok rant over , almost ,,, has anyone else noticed it's quite common of us anxiety sufferers to want to try and help the weak and vulnerable instead of stepping over them , probably why a lot on here have taken in unwanted pets , I spent this morning on the beach with our three rescue dogs .
I'm going on now and probably talking cr&p so I'll shut up and sod off .
Take care :D

Yeh Buster, noticed a lot of negativity around homelessness too.

I think we know what it’s like to struggle and so feel for the vulnerable, there’s too much self centredness in the world in my opinion, too much me me me it’s all about me ....

Take care and keep enjoying those beach walks with the lovely dogs 🐶

---------- Post added at 08:53 ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 ----------

Many years ago - probably around 25 - I was out for a night of partying with some friends. It was a very very cold night. We were all well and appropriately dressed for the evening. As we were going from bar to bar we stopped in this large common area where lots of people would gather to watch various festivities. As we were standing there someone in our group made a joke about a homeless man about 20 feet away. I looked over and saw this relatively young man shivering like mad as he pulled a discarded slice of pizza from a garbage can and ate it. I was struck by the scene. I just stared and stared. I had a very warm down jacket on. I wanted to give it to him. He was only wearing a single shirt...long sleeved collared. I didn't need my jacket. I wanted to give it to him. But I didn't. Why? I don't know. It would have helped both of us if I did. I have regretted it since that day. That jacket is long gone now.


Yes I think we can all have regrets about not doing things, or for being afraid to do something
You cared and wanted to and that’s a big lovely heart...

---------- Post added at 08:54 ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 ----------

I feel very sad too about homeless people, and animals too actually.
