View Full Version : Lower back pain worries

09-11-17, 10:39
As usual, my HA has got me thinking the worst on this!

Pain in lower left back area spreading from spine to flank (above hips, below shoulder blade) - turning over in bed was agony last night, but I did manage some sleep. Almost in a triangular shape

Twisting to the left or right, or bending forward makes it worse. Am currently taking Ibuprofen and cold compress.

Anybody had simliar? As usual HA has got me thinking Pancreatic cancer.

Recently had bloods taken, including CEA marker (see my earlier post - stomach issues) and fecal calprotectin. All withing normal levels, including FBC, bilirubin etc. Only thing doctor said was "you have the liver of a 50 year old! (I'm 43)


09-11-17, 10:55
I had lower back pain a couple of times, I but it down to tensing or focusing on the area. Once I've relaxed myself it dissipates after a few days.

09-11-17, 13:22
Did you do anything to strain it? Sometimes even just sitting the wrong way too long can hurt those muscles.

09-11-17, 14:45
Not that I can remember!

I have been in the car a lot this week up and down the country - might have contributed perhaps?

09-11-17, 15:14
We all get aches and pains and sometimes out of nowhere, especially as we age. Both my wife and I have lower back issues and for the most part we're pain free or have the usual dull ache but every once in a while we both get it bad. It is what it is and yes, driving long hours without proper or less than ideal back support can contribute.

Ibuprofen, heat and time is the remedy.

Positive thoughts

09-11-17, 17:59
Thanks for the replies. It's amazing how our minds can completely jump from pain/discomfort to self diagnosis/worst case scenario and completely miss out logic and reasoning!