View Full Version : Tickling my arms while sleeping?

09-11-17, 15:43
For the past week or so, every night I wake up in the middle of the night (to go to the bathroom) and realize I had been grazing/tickling/stroking my arm with the other hand while sleeping and dreaming? I don't should or flail in my sleep..but I do do this, should this be worrisome? Apparently moving while dreaming is indicative of a neurological defect since you are supposed to be still while dreaming.

09-11-17, 20:58

09-11-17, 22:57
I don't think this is indicative of ANY neurological disease.

Can I ask why?

Catherine S
09-11-17, 23:16
If moving about and scratching body parts in your sleep means you have a neurological disease then I'll have to have my husband...after all these years... tested for insanity :wacko:

10-11-17, 00:04
Cause while in REM sleep your body is supposed to be paralyzed to prevent acting out your dreams. Sleepwalking and talking while in NREM sleep is normal, but not while dreaming. It is considered a parasomnia and is usually a precursor to major neurodegenerative diseases.

10-11-17, 02:49
True, my hypochondria is fueled by my thirst for knowledge surrounding the issues I worry about. Often times, I look it up just to reassure myself that it doesn't sound like me...but am often scared further. While my issues are real, I also look to see if anyone else experiences it too so I can feel assured it is more likely a unacknowledged common weird symptom healthy and/or anxiety ridden people get instead of some devious REM behavioural disorder.

17-03-18, 18:13
I have been caressing/tickling the crease of my arm with the other hand since I was a teenager. Usually while lying in bed half asleep or while sleeping. I've never known why.

02-05-19, 09:27
I have done this for years and it used to scare me when I was younger, it's a form of Parasomnia. There's loads of sleep disorders which affect REM sleep and the transition between it. There are also a lot of people out there who'll talk to you like you're stupid because they think they know everything about a subject, they're just ignorant so ignore them.

02-05-19, 10:23
For the past week or so, every night I wake up in the middle of the night (to go to the bathroom) and realize I had been grazing/tickling/stroking my arm with the other hand while sleeping and dreaming? I don't should or flail in my sleep..but I do do this, should this be worrisome? Apparently moving while dreaming is indicative of a neurological defect since you are supposed to be still while dreaming.

Our daughter has tickled her arms in her sleep since she was a kid.
She's nearly 40 now and still does it and there's nothing wrong with her.
She tickles the whole length of her arm not just one spot.
She slleps on her back with one arm straight up in the air and tickles it with the other hand.