View Full Version : Laser Acupuncture Stop Smoking Therapy?

19-06-07, 02:37
Hi guys
Just wondering if anyone has tried this and
1 Did it work?

2 How was your anxiety?

I'd appreciate any feed back as it costs $390 and I don't wanna waste that much money or make my anx worse than it already is.
Phill :shades:

21-06-07, 17:12

I don't smoke but wanted to reply that I've never heard of such a thing as Laser Acupuncture. Does this mean they don't put needles in? I've been thinking of having acupuncture done for chronic pain.

My hubby quit smoking with the aid of wellbutrin which is also an anti-depressant and he was a big smoker. I'm just telling you what helped him. He did not have anxiety though. My sister has tried a shot of some sort, twice, and it didn't help her. It was very expensive. I think she just wasn't ready to quit though.

Please let me know about this acupuncture though I'm very interested in it. I hope you find someone who knows something about it for smoking. Good luck with the quitting!

Laura :)

21-06-07, 22:41
Hi Phill,

I am a smoker, arr mmmmm NOT, well trying to pack in for the mmmmm 100th or more times LOL

I am the same as Laura, I have not heard of this laser acupuncture, what is it?. I have had hypnoses and acupucture (needles) do they work, mmmm YES they do, but you have to want them to work. None of these treatments made my anx worse.

GOOD LUCK quitting, Please let use know how you get on.



22-06-07, 10:16
Hi Guys
They use a laser instead of needles to stimulate bits that apparently take away the urge.
I've spoken to the person about it but I think I'll talk to my GP as well as I was told they stimulate the "feel good " chemicals in the brain so I wanna know how that will go with me being on meds.
Phill :shades:

22-06-07, 17:10
Thanks Phill. Does it hurt less than the needles? I'm also on meds, so I wonder too if I could use it for anxiety. They said I could do acupuncture for anxiety on meds. I bet it is also more expensive.


23-06-07, 08:13
Apparently there's no pain at all
Phill :shades:

23-06-07, 21:14
before you fork out all that dosh you should definately buy 'the easy way to stop smioking' by alan carr... i know its sounds stupid and you're probably asking how reading a book will make you give up but its amazing.. there are no scare tactics, it just seems to take away the psychological need to smoke... ive given up for about 3 months now and have no urge to start again... not only was it easy to stop but i also highly enjoyed the process... and for about a fiver what have you got to lose??? plus its unlikely to cause any anxiety... infact im so convinced by it i'd be willing to send you my copy of the book (as long as when you've given up you promise to pass it on to someone else too)... PM me if you wanna give it a try...

24-06-07, 11:13
Thanks heaps for the offer Cara but I'll save you the postage and see if I can pick it up here.Anythings worth a try.