View Full Version : Rib pain... can't relax or wind down due to worry...

10-11-17, 00:09
So my rib pain on my right hand side feels worse tonight. It feels like the pains coming from the ribs and radiating round my back. So tired of this and desperate for it to go away. I dont want to have to go back to the drs again. Keep thinking scary thoughts about c-word and its really bothering me. Not been able to relax all night. It's probably just a pulled muscle, but my ANXIETY tells me its something terrible. I hate this.

10-11-17, 00:32
I've recently been having rib pain on my left side that radiates to the back. It was very strange and didn't feel musuclar in the way I expect muscle pain to have. It went away, though. It presumably was a muscle injury of some kind.

Obviously I don't know if you and I have the same thing, but your description sounds similar to mine.

10-11-17, 00:33
Take some tablets and hopefully the pain will calm down and you will be able to get some rest, it could just be the way you slept or anything - try not to google or anything though and I'm 100% sure it isn't cancer don't worry it's a common pain there as we sleep on it etc, muscles.

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10-11-17, 00:37
Thanks guys xxx had it a while and saw GP last week who examines me. The anxiety is making it worse, I focus on the sensation and believe it to be more painful than it is. Paracetamol is helping but I wish I had something to help me relax!!

10-11-17, 08:02
Woke up feeling sick with anxiety. It isn't just my sore rib/back - it is everything. My husband is at work again today and I hate being on my own. I am meant to be going to see my friend for coffee later but I am scared to leave the house!

I think the rib pain is worse from me poking and prodding. I also have bruises on my back from when I have used my massage cushion really hard on my shoulder knots and perhaps its referred pain from that? I can just feel it there all the time and it is driving me insane! The pain isn't even that bad, it is just the sensation and the FEAR.

I desperately need some help. I can't wait until my CBT sessions in February. I know I need to give the Sertraline chance to work (only been on it a week).

I wonder if I see the GP they will give me more Diazepam but I doubt it as I had 5 days worth of it the week before last and they dont like giving it out. I just want this feeling to go away :(

Can anyone give me any tips for calming down and beating this? I fully accept it is health anxiety and I am DESPERATE to get better, but the fears and worries are consuming me. It is like a battle going on in my head and I am exhausted from it.

10-11-17, 08:25
I'd say that the start up from the sertraline probably isn't helping so you may be prescribed some more diazepam just to take the edge off the extreme agitation which can make life so unbearable. I think you could try ringing your GP to see whether he/she would agree to this? Diazepam is a crutch but sometimes really necessary when you are beyond self-help..

Have you tried a hot water bottle on your ribs? I find warmth can be soothing and your mind can focus on the heat rather than the pain. I honestly don't think anything sinister will be going on because you were checked over so recently. You are panicking because it is the morning and your husband is at work and you feel terrified..Can you ring your friend and talk? Have you told her about what you are going through? Could you collect the diazepam script if it was issued or are you too scared to go out at the moment?:hugs:

10-11-17, 08:34
I'd say that the start up from the sertraline probably isn't helping so you may be prescribed some more diazepam just to take the edge off the extreme agitation which can make life so unbearable. I think you could try ringing your GP to see whether he/she would agree to this? Diazepam is a crutch but sometimes really necessary when you are beyond self-help..

Have you tried a hot water bottle on your ribs? I find warmth can be soothing and your mind can focus on the heat rather than the pain. I honestly don't think anything sinister will be going on because you were checked over so recently. You are panicking because it is the morning and your husband is at work and you feel terrified..Can you ring your friend and talk? Have you told her about what you are going through? Could you collect the diazepam script if it was issued or are you too scared to go out at the moment?:hugs:

Thanks Pulisa xxx I am just so scared of c-word! When I saw the GP last week I told him about the pain and he examined my tummy. He actually told me his first thought was gall bladder, but said I had no tenderness round there. He said my liver was fine too and that the pain was coming from the ribs themselves (they were sore when he pressed on them) I suffer with pretty bad shoulder pain so I wonder if it is referred pain from that. I just worry it is bone c-word or something like that! :( it really frightens me.

I am going to ring the doctors now and see if I can get some help today. Even if it just a few days worth of Diazepam it would really help me relax, but they hate giving it out xxx

10-11-17, 08:38
Could be costochondritis if your ribs hurt when pressed but that is usually acute pain. I'm sure they would give you some diazepam if you mentioned starting sertraline again with the rise in anxiety that can initially bring?

10-11-17, 08:57
Could be costochondritis if your ribs hurt when pressed but that is usually acute pain. I'm sure they would give you some diazepam if you mentioned starting sertraline again with the rise in anxiety that can initially bring?

It isn't actually that painful. It is more the idea of there being some pain there that is bothering me (which sounds odd) I can almost admit, that if it wasn't for my health anxiety I would almost certainly not be bothered by it in the slightest and would just dismiss it as a random ache or pain! I hate what my brain does to me :(

I have managed to get an appointment to see a GP today so I am going to explain how much I am struggling with my anxiety. I really hope they can give me some Diazepam but cause I have already had 3 days worth of 2mg (hardly touched me) and 2 days worth of 5mg (these helped) I am worried they wont give any more.

The worst thing I ever did was come off my Sertraline unsupervised in September. NEVER AGAIN. I have been on meds since I was 15 (am 33 now) and they prescribe them for a reason. I will always listen to my doctors from now on as I can't go through a crisis like this again.

10-11-17, 13:14
So I saw my GP but didn't even mention my ribs. Just told him my anxiety was really bad. He said I cant get any talking therapy (it will be CBT) til Feb and there's nothing else he can so. Gave me 5 days of Diazepam so that will help take the edge off and said the Sertraline will start work soon. Still worrying over my rib pain but seriously think it's mostly down to anxiety.

10-11-17, 13:21
I hope you find the diazepam helps to take the edge off the rib sensation (if it does it will tell you that your HA is playing tricks). Don't be hard on yourself for coming off your meds-this could have happened anyway. What matters is looking after yourself now and dampening down your anxiety state. Take the diazepam and give your mind a break from the relentless thoughts:hugs:

10-11-17, 17:55
I’ve had right sided pain for 3 weeks now and ended up back in hospital today and everything is showing up fine (scans, bloods, urine, stool etc).

I’m on day 3 of Citalopram and desperately want it to kick in! Fingers crossed your meds kick in soon xxx

11-11-17, 13:23
I hope you find the diazepam helps to take the edge off the rib sensation (if it does it will tell you that your HA is playing tricks). Don't be hard on yourself for coming off your meds-this could have happened anyway. What matters is looking after yourself now and dampening down your anxiety state. Take the diazepam and give your mind a break from the relentless thoughts:hugs:

Thanks Pulisa. I ended up taking 8mg in total last night (naughty as I am only meant to have 6mg a day (3x 2mg) but I know where I am with Diazepam. Anyway it knocked me out and I had an amazing evening of not giving a sh*t about anything for like, the first time in months. I needed it. For the first time in ages I woke up today feeling alright, but as the day has gone on the anxiety has gradually seeped back in...

Was out shopping with hubby and I started feeling the weird stabbing/fluttery pain in what I imagine to be my liver/gallbladder area. It has stopped now, but every now and then I get a little flutter and it worries me so much!

Have only had 2mg Diazepam today and only took it cause I started feeling bad again. Doubt I will need any more as I am far better a state of mind and I DO NOT want to end up relying on it and I know it is hellish to come off (besides, I strongly doubt my GP will give out any more as this is my third lot!)

The rib pain has eased off but I am still thinking about it. It is weird.

---------- Post added at 13:23 ---------- Previous post was at 13:21 ----------

I’ve had right sided pain for 3 weeks now and ended up back in hospital today and everything is showing up fine (scans, bloods, urine, stool etc).

I’m on day 3 of Citalopram and desperately want it to kick in! Fingers crossed your meds kick in soon xxx

That is reassuring that all your tests and scans came back fine, glad to hear that as it has put my mind at rest about my pain. My pain isn't even that bad, it is more of a sensation than anything which anxiety is making worse.

Hope your Citalopram kicks in for you soon. I am on my second week of Sertraline now and I think it had temporarily made my anxiety worse but I know I will settle (have been on it before)

Feel better soon xxx