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View Full Version : Questioning Back Pain / Health Anxiety "What Ifs"

10-11-17, 11:34
Yesterday morning I woke as normal and headed downstairs, everything felt completely normal. i was making myself a cuppa and out of the blue, I had this excruciating pain shoot across my back. It was felt mostly on the right side, perhaps just below my shoulder blade.

The pain was taking my breath away it was that severe. I began to panic and had all kinds of worrying thoughts.

I lay down for an hour and then managed to make my way to the sofa, where i spent most of my day. The pain has certainly eased, but is still there.

I guess it kind of feels muscular, but the fact that it came out of nowhere is what concerns me. it's not as if i had done any heavy lifting. I dont think i'd slept at a weird angle, because it didnt hurt when i woke.

Today, the pain is still there when i move in certain positions, and has turned in to a dull ache now. I feel as though I can feel it in my chest too, just under the ribs. It's not a pain now, just a weird ache.

I'm tempted to see the GP, but I dont want to pay the issue to much attention, as i know that my attention is making it seem far worse than it is.

The fact that it's improved since its initial onset should really be enough for me to see that if it was serious, it wouldn't have felt better on its own so quickly.

I dont know if im really asking any question here, i just needed to get my thoughts down. I know im worrying over nothing, people get aches and pains all the time. I guess my concern comes from the pain being so crazy bad initially and the fact that it came out of the blue during the first 20 mins of me being up and about.